myFC introduces PowerTrekk 2.0:
Unique charger that runs on water – now for tablets

myFC, the innovative Swedish fuel-cell company, launches PowerTrekk 2.0, a unique device that charges smartphones, action cameras and tablets totally independent from the grid

The only bi product from the process is pure water!

STOCKHOLM--()--In an ever more power-hungry world, two billion smartphones, tablets and similar devices are sold every year. More and more of them have powerful 64 bit multi core processors, consuming so much energy that they seldom make it through the day without being recharged several times.

The difference between battery capacity and real need is what myFC calls the power gap. The new charger PowerTrekk 2.0 addresses the power gap completely independently from the grid. A small puck with salt and added water will generate the hydrogen gas needed to power the fuel cell.

The user can charge a smartphone, action camera or a tablet quickly and without access to the electrical power or sunlight required by most other charging devices.

“Today’s users are simply not ready to give up their device,” says myFC CEO Björn Westerholm “They want to use it for how long they need it and wherever they are. Frequently this means they need to recharge when being away from a power outlet, whether it’s out in the wilderness, on an airplane or simply in the middle of a large conference room.”

The new product is a dramatic enhancement from myFCs first charger. PowerTrekk 2.0 has a more advanced and powerful fuel cell, more powerful electronics to handle the capacity needed to charge a tablet and also a built in battery with a higher capacity. PowerTrekk 2.0 has almost three times higher capacity than the previous product.

“The feedback we have received from customers using PowerTrekk 1.0 gave us the insight that we needed to develop a product for all kind of devices,” says Westerholm. “People want to charge not only their smartphones, but also tablets, action cameras and so on. Today, we can offer the most advanced charging device on the market, and it offers environmentally friendly charging leaving only water as a bi product.”

Fuel cell technology develops rapidly and myFC estimates that future products will be even more powerful, offering users ubiquitous charging at an even lower cost.

“This step was only a facelift,” concludes Westerholm. “You can expect much more from this very exciting technology.”

myFC PowerTrekk 2.0 is estimated to hit the stores worldwide in October 2014.

About myFC

myFC is an innovative fuel cell technology company that develops energy solutions for powering portable electronics. Its product myFC PowerTrekk is a portable fuel cell charger for small electronics like cell phones, cameras and tablets and is both a fuel cell and a portable battery pack. The fuel cell enables instant charging from a depleted battery state without ever needing a wall charge.

Users simply insert a puck and add water. myFC was founded in 2005, privately owned with headquarters in Stockholm. The product is sold by retailers all over the world, for instance by Naturkompaniet in Sweden, Industrial Revolution and in the US and by Evernew in Japan.


Björn Westerholm, CEO: +46 (0) 706 56 20 07,
Press images can be downloaded at:


Björn Westerholm, CEO: +46 (0) 706 56 20 07,
Press images can be downloaded at: