Director/PDMR Shareholding


AMLIN plc (“Amlin”)


Amlin announces that on 24 April 2014 Kim Hvirgel, a Person Discharging Managerial Responsibilities, was awarded 55,544 ordinary shares of 28.125p for no consideration. This is a share award pursuant to De Nederlandsche Bank regulations on variable remuneration for senior individuals within a Financial Services Company and forms part of Mr Hvirgel’s annual bonus. Of the 55,544 shares awarded 27,772 shares were awarded upfront on 24 April 2014 and subsequently 9,197 shares were automatically sold at a price of 442p on behalf of Mr Hvirgel to satisfy his tax liability arising on the share award. The balance of 18,575 will have a retention period of three years. The remaining 27,772 shares are deferred and will be awarded over the next four years in equal quantities. These deferred shares will have a retention period of three years.

Under the regulations, Mr Hvirgel is unable to receive a variable share award and will not participate in the LTIP, PSP or SIP share plans granted by the Company during 2014.

This announcement is made pursuant to paragraph 3.1.4R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules.

25 April 2014


Mark Stevens   020 7746 1000
Amlin plc

Category Code: RDS
Sequence Number: 415585
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20140425T130945+0100


Amlin Plc


Amlin Plc