Director/PDMR Shareholding


RSA Insurance Group plc

Transaction in shares by Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility (“PDMR”)

Ordinary Shares of 27.5p each

07 March 2014

RSA Insurance Group plc (the “Company”) received notification on 06 March 2014 of the following transactions in its ordinary shares of 27.5p each (“Ordinary Shares”) by PDMRs of the Company.

On 05 March 2014, Mr Saunders exercised options over 182,500 Ordinary Shares under the Company’s Executive Share Option Scheme as detailed in the table below (the “Exercise”):


  Number of Shares Purchased   Share Price

(per share)

Rowan Saunders 112,500 £0.76
70,000 £0.79

Mr Saunders subsequently sold 182,500 Ordinary Shares at a price of £0.976 per share on the same date.

On 06 March 2014, Ordinary Shares were purchased by Mr Martin Scicluna as detailed in the table below:


  Number of Shares Purchased   Share Price

(per share)

Martin Scicluna 10,000 £0.9838

These announcements are made following notifications made in accordance with Disclosure and Transparency Rule 3.1.2R.

The transactions were carried out in London.


Enquiries to:

John Mills, Deputy Group Company Secretary

RSA Insurance Group plc

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7111 7000

Category Code: RDS
Sequence Number: 410014
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20140307T150356+0000


RSA Insurance Group Plc


RSA Insurance Group Plc