The Election Committee’s Proposal Regarding the Board of Directors etc of Castellum AB (Publ)

GÖTEBORG, Sweden--()--Regulatory News:

The election committee of Castellum (STO:CAST), appointed in accordance with the resolution taken by the shareholders at the annual general meeting 2013, consists of Mr. Björn Franzon (chairman) representing Mrs. Magdalena and Mr. László Szombatfalvy and Stiftelsen Global Challenges Foundation, Mr. Rutger van der Lubbe representing Stichting Pensioenfonds ABP, Mr. Johan Strandberg representing SEB Fonder and Mrs. Charlotte Strömberg, chairman of the board of directors of Castellum.

The election committee proposes re-election of the existing board members Mrs. Charlotte Strömberg, Mr. Per Berggren, Mrs. Marianne Dicander Alexandersson, Mr. Christer Jacobson, Mr. Jan Åke Jonsson and Mr. Johan Skoglund. Mrs. Ulla-Britt Fräjdin-Hellqvist, board member since 2003, has declined re-election. Furthermore, the election committee proposes election of Mrs. Nina Linander as new member of the board of directors and proposes re-election of Mrs. Charlotte Strömberg as chairman of the board of directors.

Mrs. Nina Linander, born in 1959, has a B.Sc. (Economics) from Stockholm School of Economics and a MBA from IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland. Mrs. Nina Linander is a member of the board of directors of TeliaSonera AB (publ), Awapatent AB and Specialfastigheter Sverige AB. She is founder of and up until 2012 partner at the executive search firm Stanton Chase International AB. Between the years 2001-2005 she had the position as head of group staff treasury at AB Electrolux (publ). Furthermore, Mrs. Nina Linander has had several leading positions within Vattenfall AB between the years 1994-2001. Prior to that she worked within the corporate finance department at several investment banks in London.

Remuneration to the members of the board of directors is proposed to be the following (2013 resolution within brackets). The board of directors has, following discussion with the election committee, decided to establish a separate audit and finance committee.

  • The chairman of the board of directors: SEK 585,000 (SEK 525,000);
  • Other members of the board of directors: SEK 275,000 (SEK 250,000);
  • Member of the board of directors’ remuneration committee, including the chairman: SEK 30,000 (SEK 30,000);
  • Chairman of the board of directors’ audit and finance committee: SEK 50,000 (the committee is new);
  • Other members of the board of directors’ audit and finance committee: SEK 35,000 (the committee is new).

The proposed total remuneration to the members of the board of directors, including remuneration for committee work, accordingly amounts to SEK 2,445,000 (SEK 2,115,000).

The election committee proposes re-election of the authorised public accountant Mr. Magnus Fredmer (EY) and election of the authorised public accountant Mr. Hans Warén (Deloitte) as new auditor. The election committee also proposes election of the authorised public account­ant Mr. Fredrik Walméus (Deloitte) as new deputy auditor. Remuneration to the auditors during their term of office is proposed to be based on approved accounts.

The election committee proposes that a new election committee is established in preparation for the annual general meeting to be held in 2015. For this purpose the chairman of the board of directors will contact the three largest ownership registered or otherwise known share­holders as per the last share trading day in August 2014 and invite them each to appoint one member. The three members appointed constitute, together with the chairman of the board of directors, the election committee. The election committee appoints a chairman amongst its members.

Castellum is one of the major listed real estate companies in Sweden. The fair value of the real estate portfolio amounts to SEK 38 billion, and comprises premises for office, retail, warehouse and industrial purposes with a total lettable area of 3.6 million sq.m. The real estate portfolio is owned and managed by six wholly owned subsidiaries with strong local roots in five growth regions: Greater Gothenburg, the Öresund Region, Greater Stockholm, Mälardalen and Eastern Götaland.

Castellum is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB Large Cap.

Castellum AB (publ) discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

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Björn Franzon
chairman of the election committee
mobile +46 707-99 68 32
Charlotte Strömberg
chairman of the board of directors
mobile +46 702-77 04 03


Björn Franzon
chairman of the election committee
mobile +46 707-99 68 32
Charlotte Strömberg
chairman of the board of directors
mobile +46 702-77 04 03