Big Data Meets Semantics: Ooyala and Jinni Team up for Advanced Video Discovery and Personalized TV

Two video personalization leaders team to create enhanced video discovery service for media companies, broadcasters and pay TV operators everywhere

TEL AVIV, Israel & MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--()--Jinni, the creators of the Entertainment Genome™ and semantic video discovery, announced today they will team with Ooyala, the top innovator in video streaming and analytics, to deliver advanced video discovery technology for media companies, broadcasters and pay TV operators everywhere. The technology will integrate Ooyala’s machine-learning big-data analytics systems with Jinni’s semantic discovery to deliver a powerful new level of video personalization for all screens.

Jinni and Ooyala will work together to develop and deploy a completely new level of machine learning powered by semantic discovery that will allow TV providers to tailor programming and video viewing experiences to each individual user at a very granular and powerful level; offerings such as personalized channels, custom programming guides, mood-based browsing and search, and viewer recommendations for both live and VoD content across vast catalogs of content. All designed to provide users with easy, intuitive access to content of all types.

The companies expect to have joint services in pre-release with select customers in the first half of 2014, with more broad availability in the second half of the year.

The two companies are already leaders in TV personalization, with global video discovery deployments among top-tier customers in every major region of the world. Each brings powerful solutions to the innovation table: Ooyala’s system is proven to dramatically increase viewer engagement and revenue. Its global video consumption data and insights across all devices is a strong match for Jinni’s proprietary Entertainment Genome™ that powers taste and mood-based recommendations with cross-catalog search and browsing.

Ooyala collects more than 2 billion analytics events daily from hundreds of millions of consumers watching video on Ooyala-powered players, and Jinni harnesses thousands of descriptive genes and automatic content analysis and tagging capabilities.

Chris Wong, senior vice president of business development for Ooyala, said, “With digital consumption driving a much greater percentage of overall TV viewing, advanced video discovery is becoming an imperative for viewer engagement and monetization. Keeping an increasingly fragmented viewing audience engaged and entertained with only the most relevant and desirable content is a challenge every pay TV operator in the world faces. Working with Jinni, we’ll be setting new standards for what discovery means to both the consumer experience and the operator’s bottom line.”

“Jinni is the most deployed video discovery solution to tier-1 pay TV operators worldwide,” tells Yosi Glick, Jinni Co-founder & CEO. “Bringing Ooyala’s big data infrastructure, collaborative filtering technology and real-time analytics together with our semantic recommendations, we’ll deliver the industry’s most compelling personalization platform for TV.”

Ooyala analyzes massive amounts of viewing data to detect authentic trending content to help operators deliver more personalized viewing experience on any screen, build bigger audience and make more money from IP-delivered video. Jinni assigns a rich, accurate set of descriptive genes to every show or movie and understands viewers’ tastes and mood with the same nuanced precision, resulting in a supreme user-centric guide that leads the user to higher consumption of TV and VOD.

About Ooyala

Ooyala harnesses the power of big data to help broadcasters, operators and media companies build more engaged audiences and earn more money with personalized, interactive video experiences for every screen. Ooyala’s comprehensive, data-driven software and productized services combine best-of-breed technologies with industry-leading video analytics to help customers optimize and automate video programming, video streaming, distribution and discovery. Companies that use Ooyala technology include ESPN, Bloomberg, Telstra, NBC Universal, Univision, VICE, Caracol, Comedy Central, Telegraph Media Group, The Washington Post, Wimbledon, Pac-12 Enterprises, Arsenal, The North Face, Sephora, Pandora and Dell.

Headquartered in Mountain View, California, Ooyala has offices in New York City, London, Sydney, Tokyo and Guadalajara, Mexico. The company works with premier reseller and technology partners throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, Japan and the Asia-Pacific region. For more information, visit

About Jinni

Jinni is the first and only taste-and-mood based engine powering entertainment discovery. Using content genetics and nuanced understanding of user tastes, the Jinni engine powers a uniquely intuitive and personalized experience that increases content consumption and consumer satisfaction.

The Jinni service is powered by the Entertainment Genome™, containing thousands of genes that are assigned to each title to describe mood, style, plot, setting and more; this is a rich alternative to the usual genre language, which benefits both the quality of the content delivered as well as the intuitive semantic-based user experience. New titles are automatically indexed via analysis of user reviews and synopses, using a proprietary Natural Language Processing solution.

Jinni is the leading content discovery and personalized recommendations provider to global tier-1 Pay TV and OTT content providers. Customers include: Xfinity, Xbox, VUDU, Belgacom, Bouygues and SingTel.

See Jinni's award winning semantic engine at work; iPad


Nikki Ralston


Nikki Ralston