Frontier Market Exposure Added to EGShares Beyond BRICs ETF (TICKER: BBRC)

Emerging Global Advisors completed the index transition of BBRC to the FTSE Beyond BRICs Index

NEW YORK--()--Emerging Global Advisors (EGA), the asset manager to the EGShares exchange-traded fund (ETF) offering, today announced it completed the transition of the EGShares Beyond BRICs ETF (BBRC) to track the FTSE Beyond BRICs Index. BBRC, which launched in August 2012, previously tracked the Indxx Beyond BRICs Index.

The FTSE Beyond BRICs Index generally has 75% exposure to companies in more developed emerging markets (excluding Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Korea and Taiwan) and 25% exposure to companies in frontier markets, which are less developed. While the index is free-float market capitalization-weighted, it addresses potential concentration issues by including diversification parameters such as position and country caps, as well by liquidity-ranking the frontier markets company exposure.

“BBRC seeks to provide investors with an integrated developing market core holding that shifts toward the less mature emerging and frontier markets and away from where much growth has already taken place," said Marten Hoekstra, CEO of EGA. "Beyond BRIC economies offer greater portfolio diversification to BRIC-heavy portfolios and, in our view, represent the next wave of growth in developing market investing.”

About Emerging Global Advisors (EGA)

Emerging Global Advisors (EGA), the asset manager to the EGShares ETF offering, provides investors and institutions with the tools they need to implement similar investment strategies in developing markets as they do in developed markets. Through its advanced beta strategies, EGA helps investors and institutions achieve the income and total return exposures they want in emerging markets. For more information, please visit


Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Fund before investing. To obtain a prospectus containing this and other important information, please call (888) 800-4EGS (4347) or visit to view or download a prospectus online. Read the prospectus carefully before investing.

Emerging market investments involve risk of capital loss from unfavorable fluctuation in currency values, from differences in generally accepted accounting principles, from economic or political instability in other nations or increased volatility, and lower trading volume. This fund will concentrate its investments in issuers of one or more particular industries to the same extent that its Underlying Index is so concentrated and to the extent permitted by applicable regulatory guidance. Concentration risk results from maintaining exposure to issuers conducting business in a specific industry. Small cap and mid cap companies generally will have greater volatility in price than the stocks of large companies due to limited product lines or resources or a dependency upon a particular market niche. The value of an investment denominated in a foreign currency could change significantly as foreign currencies strengthen or weaken relative to the U.S. dollar. One cannot invest directly in an index.

Shares are not individually redeemed and owners of the shares may acquire those shares from the Fund and tender those shares for redemption to the Fund in Creation Units only, typically consisting of aggregations of 50,000 shares.

FTSE makes no express or implied warranties or representations and shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to any claims contained herein.

Marten Hoekstra is a registered representative of ALPS Distributors, Inc.

EGShares Funds are distributed by ALPS Distributors, Inc.

© Copyright 2013 Emerging Global Advisors, LLC - All Rights Reserved

EGS001526 Expires 10/25/14


Bill Fallon, 212-925-6900

Release Summary

The EGShares Beyond BRICs ETF (BBRC) has transitioned to the FTSE Beyond BRICs Index, and now includes frontier market exposure in addition to Beyond BRIC emerging market exposure.


Bill Fallon, 212-925-6900