GfK launches communication tracker, mapping effectiveness and impact of every brand experience point

Image 1: Experience point mapping [green = performing better than / grey = performing same as / red = performing worse than competitor for that experience point] (Graphic: Business Wire)

NUREMBERG, Germany--()--Too often marketers base their cross media strategy on analysis of only a narrow range of touch points. The danger of this is that the results can suggest their strategy is effective when, in reality, they may be overlooking other experience points that have greater impact on brand success.

GfK Experience Effects gives a sensitive measure of not only which experience points consumers find most memorable, but also what social and emotional reaction each point triggers. It maps out every experience point that consumers encounter with a brand – paid (e.g. advertising, in-store marketing), unpaid (e.g. packaging, sales personnel) and even those outside brand control (e.g. word of mouth, social media) - and then prioritizes those, showing not only how the brand is performing for each point against a direct competitor, but also how influential each point is, in driving consumer purchase.

Nathalie Mandavit, Global Director of Communication Efficiency at GfK, comments, “Several of our clients are seeing significant results from using GfK Experience Effects. We deliver a very different understanding of experience point ROI from that gained by only measuring the traditional touch point reach effectiveness. A perfect example is the recent study we ran for a leading beer brand in CEE. Our results showed that the drinking experience in a pub or bar was the most important one for driving sales of the product. On top of this, our findings showed that the brand was performing poorly ‘in-pub’ compared to its competitor – insight that was missed by traditional touch point studies. With this information, the brand was able to refocus their cross-media strategy on the experience points that would bring them maximum return.”

GfK Experience Effects uses GfK’s interactive ConX measurement system to go deeper than mere reach and provide insights about how people ‘live’ each experience point. It includes a mobile diary component, so that the impact of brand experience points can be captured in real-time, as they happen. Similarly, GfK Experience Effects programs can be paired with GfK Dimestore, to include real-time measurement and management of digital advertising assets.


GfK Experience Effects
Nathalie Mandavit
+33 1 7418 6637

Release Summary

GfK has launched a new communications tracker, GfK Experience Effects, that goes deeper than mere reach to provide insights about how people ‘live’ each brand experience point.


GfK Experience Effects
Nathalie Mandavit
+33 1 7418 6637