Women’s Energy Network – North Texas Chapter Hosts Third Annual Leadership Conference in Dallas

DALLAS--()--The Women’s Energy Network (WEN) – North Texas Chapter will host the organization’s Third Annual Leadership Conference, “Empower, Enable, Enhance,” on Thursday, June 6th. The half-day event will be held at the Dallas Petroleum Club, 2200 Ross Avenue, 39th floor. Conference registration will begin at 11:30 a.m. followed by a lunch and the afternoon program. There will be a networking reception at 5:00 p.m. immediately following the conference.

The 2013 conference will feature four seasoned industry leaders who will make individual presentations, including: Keynote Speaker Cindy Bigner, Senior Director of Global Diversity & Inclusion at Halliburton – “Succeeding in the Oil and Gas Industry”; Keynote Speaker Julie Wilson, Vice President of Urban Development, Chesapeake Energy Corporation – “From the Cow Pasture to the Country Club: The Urbanization of the Oil and Gas Industry”; Dr. Tracey Rockett-Hanft, Associate Professor of Professional Practice in Management, TCU’s Neeley School of Business – “Playing Politics Like a Girl”; and Peggy Pepper, CEO, First Concept Corporation and Consultant/Strategist/Mentor/Creator/Developer for MY NEW NEXT, a mentoring program for high achieving women – “Creating Brand YOU: What Would You Do If You Could Be YOU?”

“WEN North Texas is pleased to host our Third Annual Leadership Conference entitled 'Empower, Enable, Enhance.' The leadership conference is an afternoon of education and networking focused on empowering women across all areas of the energy field to identify and gain tools needed to better manage our careers and to excel in our industry,” said Debra Villarreal, WEN North Texas Chapter President. “We are honored to have four noteworthy guest speakers who will share valuable insights into business, social and industry issues. Additionally, members and prospective members will have the opportunity to further expand their professional network by interacting with energy peers in a collaborative environment.”

Conference prices, which include the networking reception, are:

$80 - Members

$100 - Nonmembers

Members and nonmembers can register for the event by visiting the chapter’s website, www.wennorthtexas.org.

For more information about the event, contact Whitney Randolph, OneWest Bank, at whitney.randolph@owb.com, or Megan Meagher, Crowe Horwath LLP, at megan.meagher@crowehorwath.com.

For more information about the Women’s Energy Network – North Texas Chapter, visit www.wennorthtexas.org and click on WEN North Texas. Interested parties can join the North Texas Chapter by clicking on Join today! on the North Texas Chapter’s home page.

About WEN

The Women’s Energy Network is a nonprofit association of women professionals in the energy industry that provides networking and community outreach opportunities and fosters career and leadership development. Founded in 1994, the organization has more than 1,000 members nationwide. For more information, please visit the WEN North Texas Chapter website at www.wennorthtexas.org.

Conference Sponsors

Crowe Horwarth LLP
Dallas Petroleum Club
F&M Bank
Squires and Company
TCU Neeley School of Buisness


Range Resources Corporation
Marianne Miller, 817-869-4142


Range Resources Corporation
Marianne Miller, 817-869-4142