Hoover Institution’s Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson to Run Exclusively on WallStreetJournal.com

STANFORD, Calif.--()--The Hoover Institution today announced that its long-standing television/web series, Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson, a forum for scholars, political leaders, journalists, and newsmakers to share their views with host and former presidential speechwriter Peter Robinson, will now run exclusively on the Wall Street Journal’s opinion page and on OpinionJournal.com. It will also appear on all the Wall Street Journal’s video distribution partners and platforms, including WSJLive, Hulu, YouTube.com, and Roku. The show will continue to appear on Hoover.org/UK as well as on Uncommon Knowledge’s Facebook page. The first Uncommon Knowledge interview to appear on the Wall Street Journal site airs today and features media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Click here to watch.

“Ever since working in the speechwriting shop of the Reagan White House as a kid in my twenties, I’ve found the opinion section of the Wall Street Journal completely indispensable,” host Robinson said. “To appear on the Journal’s online opinion section—and to do so on behalf of the Hoover Institution, whose fellows have made the study of American public policy their life’s work—represents a high privilege.”

Since its inception in 1997, Uncommon Knowledge host Peter Robinson has earned a reputation for his provocative line of questioning with thought leaders. The show’s one-on-one interview format and roundtable discussions allow for candid discussion on breaking news, current events, and history.

“The face-to-face interview can convey a certain kind of information—information about the workings of the interview subject’s mind and personality—that is all but impossible to acquire in any other way. I hope the readers of Wall Street Journal online will find my guests on Uncommon Knowledge as provocative, informative, fascinating, and entertaining as I do,” stated Robinson.

Upcoming guests on Uncommon Knowledge are Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin on March 11, followed by Senator Ted Cruz of Texas on March 25, and authors Andy Ferguson and Joseph Epstein on April 8.

Former guests include such renowned figures as former president George W. Bush, former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (Kentucky), and member of Congress and former vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan (Wisconsin). Hoover fellows also appear regularly, most notably former secretaries of state George P. Shultz and Condoleezza Rice, as well as Fouad Ajami, Victor Davis Hanson, Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, and John B. Taylor.

For more information on Uncommon Knowledge and its guests and upcoming episodes, find us on Facebook and Twitter or visit our website. For more information on the Hoover Institution, find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Scribd or visit Hoover.org.


Hoover Institution | Stanford University
Office of Public Affairs, 650-723-0603


Hoover Institution | Stanford University
Office of Public Affairs, 650-723-0603