Change of Name


Concept Fund Solutions plc

78 Sir John Rogerson's Quay

Dublin 2




10 January 2013

Dear Shareholder

Concept Fund Solutions plc (the Company)

db EUR Liquid Corporate 12.5 Listed Index Fund

db x-trackers Global Fund Supporters ETF (DR)

db x-trackers SCM Multi Asset ETF

db x-trackers STOXX® Europe Christian ETF (DR) (the Funds)

If you have sold or transferred all of your shares in the Funds, please pass this document at once to the stockbroker, bank or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected, for transmission to the purchaser or transferee as soon as possible. Capitalised terms that are used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Company’s Prospectus.

We are writing to inform you that, pursuant to a resolution of the board of directors of the Company, it has been resolved to change the names of certain Funds of the Company (i) to insert the reference to "UCITS ETF" in the name of db EUR Liquid Corporate 12.5 Listed Index Fund, (ii) to insert the reference to “UCITS” in the names of all other Funds already including the word “ETF” in their names and (iii) to shorten the name of certain Funds of the Company for simplification purposes.

The change of name referred to under (i) and (ii) above is required in order to comply with the recommendation of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) to use the specific identifier “UCITS ETF” in the name of sub-funds which fall under the definition of a UCITS exchange traded fund within the meaning of the ESMA’s guidelines.

A full list showing the old and the new name of each of the Funds concerned is set out below:

Old Name     New Name
db EUR Liquid Corporate 12.5 Listed Index Fund db x-trackers EUR Liquid Corporate 12.5 UCITS ETF
db x-trackers Global Fund Supporters ETF (DR) db x-trackers Global Fund Supporters UCITS ETF (DR)
db x-trackers SCM Multi Asset ETF db x-trackers SCM Multi Asset UCITS ETF
db x-trackers STOXX® Europe Christian ETF (DR) db x-trackers STOXX® EUROPE CHRISTIAN UCITS ETF (DR)

Shareholders should note that the investment objective and the relevant underlying index of the Funds will remain unchanged.

It is proposed to amend the Supplements and key investor information documents in respect of the Funds to reflect the change of name, which will be submitted to the Central Bank of Ireland for approval. Such changes are expected to come into effect on or about 14 January 2013 or at such time as the directors may determine in their discretion. The updated Supplements and key investor information documents will be available on the following website, and a copy may be obtained free of charge at the Company’s registered office or at the relevant foreign representatives’ offices.

Any further information in relation to the change of name may be obtained by sending an email to

Yours faithfully

The board of directors

For and on behalf of

Concept Fund Solutions plc

Registered in Dublin as an open-ended variable capital umbrella investment company with limited liability and as an umbrella fund with segregated liability between sub-funds.

Registration Number 393802. Registered Office as above.

Directors: Tom Murray (Irish), Peter Murray (Irish), Michael Whelan (Irish), Paul McNaughton (Irish)

Category Code: CAN
Sequence Number: 358718
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20130110T093431+0000


Concept Fund Solutions


Concept Fund Solutions