Support for Romney Increases Among Latino Voters

Weekly impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll shows slight lift following convention

LOS ANGELES--()--Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney appears to have gained some traction among Latino voters according to this week’s impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll. Even though Barack Obama maintains a commanding lead with 64% support among Latino registered voters, Mitt Romney’s grew to 30%, his highest level yet.

When asked about the prominent roles that Senator Marco Rubio and Governor Susana Martinez played at the Republican National Convention, 39% of Latino voters who consider themselves independent stated it made a positive impression on them.

“This was the first bit of good news for the Republican candidate and his party”, observed Latino Decisions pollster, Gary Segura. “This poll shows that Latinos are paying attention, but this is not a slam dunk. The fact that Romney still trails with only 30% of the vote should be somewhat disappointing.”

Jobs and the economy continue to be the most important issue for Latinos. But despite Romney’s consistent efforts to negatively cast the President’s handling of the economy, Latinos continue to trust Obama and the Democratic Party to improve economic conditions more so than the Republicans by 59% to 30%.

The weekly tracking poll is part of impreMedia's commitment to provide unique insights and superior coverage of the upcoming 2012 presidential elections. “We understand how critical the Latino vote will be in determining the outcome of this election and we will be reporting on the important issues, preferences and concerns of this growing constituent,” stated Monica Lozano CEO of impreMedia.

To view more data and information on this week’s poll visit:


This is the second release, of an 11-week tracking poll of Latino registered voters. Each week, impreMedia and Latino Decisions will release a new rolling cross-section of 300 completed interviews with Latino registered voters across all 50 states. Interviews are conducted in English or Spanish, at the preference of the respondent, all conducted by bilingual interviewers at Latino Decisions calling center, Pacific Market Research. The survey averaged 10 minutes in length, and has an overall margin of error of 5.6% on results that approach a 50/50 distribution. All respondents confirm that they are Hispanic or Latino and currently registered to vote.

This first wave survey was in the field August 24-30, 2012

About impreMedia

impreMedia is the leading Hispanic news and information company in the U.S. in online and print. impreMedia's multi-platform offerings range from online to video, social media, mobile, audio, newspapers and magazines, including the portal. 25.5% of U.S. Hispanic adults use an impreMedia network product. The network is also the nation's largest Hispanic newspaper publisher with newspapers in top U.S. Hispanic markets, reaching 15 markets total that represent 59% of the U.S. Hispanic population. Its leading publications include La Opinión in Los Angeles and El Diario La Prensa in New York. For more information, visit:

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About Latino Decisions

Latino Decisions is a joint effort between Pacific Market Research, a nationally known research firm, and Dr. Gary Segura and Dr. Matt Barreto, leading Latino politics scholars and professors at Stanford University and the University of Washington. Both Dr. Segura and Dr. Barreto are experienced and nationally respected researchers who have a deep understanding of U.S. Latino culture and advanced quantitative research skills. Their expertise, coupled with Pacific Market Research’s logistical capabilities, makes Latino Decisions a leader in the field. For more information, please visit or call 877-271-2300.


Press Inquiries for impreMedia
Jacquelynn Carrera, (213) 896-2368

Release Summary

Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney appears to have gained some traction among Latino voters according to this week’s impreMedia-Latino Decisions tracking poll.


Press Inquiries for impreMedia
Jacquelynn Carrera, (213) 896-2368