The Top Excuses for Not Going Back to the Gym

New research* reveals exactly what stops us from walking back through those gym doors after our first visit

Infographic: Top 7 Reasons for not returning to a gym (Graphic: Business Wire)

LONDON--()--The research, commissioned by new player in the fitness industry, suggests we don’t live up to our moaning, lazy British stereotype after all. Despite a plethora of excuses, it seems that the gym-shy are firmly in the minority. A very convincing 93.3% of us are happy to return to our gym and would recommend it to a friend. That still leaves 6.7% of people who wouldn’t recommend their gym however. What is it that is giving them the excuse to shy away from their workout?

The biggest gym turn-off is having to wait to use the machines. 21% of those who would not recommend their gym cited this as their main gripe. It seems patience is one thing we don’t want to have to exercise when it comes to our workouts.

Old or unsuitable equipment gains the dubious honour of coming second in the list of excuses, which seems fair enough. No-one wants to run the risk of being floored by heavy weights as a machine’s pulley frays and collapses.

Next on the list, taking home 15.7% of votes, is a lack of cleanliness. Interestingly it seems that the ladies aren’t bothered by a little dirt; it’s the men who can’t abide the filth. Men are almost twice as likely as women to stay clear of a gym because they deem it unclean. Of course, women might argue that the men’s changing rooms are more likely to be dirty in the first place, giving them more scope for complaint.

Jamie Ward, CEO and co-founder of, states “we weren’t surprised to discover that availability of machines was the top reason for not wanting to return to a gym. People are pushed for time and don’t want to waste precious minutes hanging around. What did surprise us was how easily some of the problems could be fixed by the gyms, though. Unfriendly staff, for example, or bad music – these issues can easily be sorted and would greatly improve customer retention”.

Notes to Editors:

*3,267 people took part in the survey carried out online, 55% male between the ages of 16-56 versus 44% female between the ages of 18-54


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Simon Norton

Release Summary

The research, commissioned by new player in the fitness industry, suggests we don’t live up to our moaning, lazy British stereotype after all.


Simon Norton