Adfusion’s Panoramic Ad Platform Helps Drive Brand Lift for BMW 3 Series Redesign

MINNEAPOLIS--()--In the highly competitive automobile industry, marketing a redesigned car presents singular challenges. The auto-maker must find a way to parlay a brand’s existing cache into customer enthusiasm and loyalty for the redesigned product.

When luxury auto-maker BMW faced these challenges with the launch of its redesigned BMW 3 Series, one of the brand’s stalwart lines, its African-American marketing agency—Matlock Advertising and PR—turned to an innovative new tool: interactive, Panoramic online advertising. Adfusion’s Panoramic content-based ad platform was chosen for its ability to target a specific relevant audience and immerse them in an educational interactive brand experience.

The results were noteworthy:
* Brand favorability lifted 111.3 percent from exposure to the Panoramic ad
* Neutral or unfavorable opinions among ad viewers decreased by nearly 83 percent
* More than 18,100 unique, targeted visitors spent an average of 1.26 minutes interacting with BMW’s Panoramic ad

The Challenge
As part of BMW’s marketing goals for the redesign, Matlock was charged with promoting the launch to college-educated African-American adults, ages 25 to 54, with household incomes in excess of $75,000.

Their goals were to create awareness of the redesign, educate the audience on the benefits and features of the vehicles, and drive favorability with the target audience.

The Solution
Adfusion designers built a custom Panoramic ad around the BMW 3 Series. The ad integrated a custom article, videos, a variety of engagement widgets and multiple calls-to-action. Next, the ad was placed in purchased targeted media that aligned with the specified demographic. An editorial-based headline unit further served as an audience filter by encouraging the targeted audience to opt in to learn more. Matlock was charged only for unique visitors who opted in to engage with the Panoramic ad.

The Results
To verify the Panoramic platform’s impact on brand lift and favorability, Adfusion leveraged Vizu’s Ad Catalyst solution. The insight provided Matlock third-party data on the effectiveness of the Panoramic ad.

“Brand recognition and awareness were the key deliverables we were looking for,” said Edward Rutland, executive vice president and managing partner of Matlock Advertising and PR. “Panoramic supplied the platform we needed to get our message out, and Vizu provided the proof that it worked.”

About Adfusion
Adfusion® (, a division of ARAnet, Inc., is a content-based online advertising platform. More than 125 million U.S. consumers have engaged with Adfusion’s client campaigns. Offering solutions for performance, brand and mobile advertisers, Adfusion delivers effective, measurable results on a pay-for-performance basis.

About ARAnet
ARAnet is the parent company of Brandpoint and Adfusion. ARAnet is an article-based digital media company that educates consumers, builds brands and drives sales through product offerings that focus on digital advertising, SEO and public relations, and that leverage content and technology to achieve clients’ specific campaign goals.

Vizu Corporation (, a Nielsen company, brings the same metrics used to measure and optimize brand advertising effectiveness in the offline world to the online medium. By providing the first real-time, enterprise technology platform that allows brand advertisers and their partners in the digital media ecosystem – publishers, ad networks, exchanges, and demand side platforms – to collaborate around measuring and optimizing Brand Lift metrics, Vizu enables its customers to move their target audience through the purchase funnel, from building awareness to creating intent and preference. Vizu’s brand advertising effectiveness platform is used by over 60% of Advertising Age’s Top 100 Brand Advertisers and Top 50 Media properties to support all key aspects of the advertising lifecycle, including media buying, audience profiling, and Brand Lift optimization.


ARAnet, Inc. for Adfusion
Lisa Bergerson, 952-374-5272
Marketing/PR Manager

Release Summary

A Vizu study reports that in a recent BMW campaign, brand favorability lifted 111.3 percent from exposure to Adfusion's Panoramic content-based ad platform.


ARAnet, Inc. for Adfusion
Lisa Bergerson, 952-374-5272
Marketing/PR Manager