Research and Markets: Innovative Functional Beverages in Japan 2011-2015 - House the Power of Turmeric Commands 90% of All Functional Drinks Market


Dublin - Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Innovative Functional Beverages in Japan 2011-2015" report to their offering.

The report covers what we consider to be the most innovative and outstanding items amongst the exceptionally wide range of functional beverages now available in Japan. The report begins with an introduction of House Foods Corp's House Ukon No Chikara [House the Power of Turmeric] (100ml aluminium bottle - Price: 180 yen) which holds a commanding 90% plus share of the overall functional beverage market.

The beverage is formulated with curcumin (30ml per 100ml bottle) - a substance extracted from the curry spice tumeric said to be particularly effective in reducing the severity of hangovers. The curcumin also gives the beverage a slightly bitter yet refreshing flavour that makes it pleasant to drink. In response to the item's success, a number of the larger drink producers have also launched their own similar versions, including Lotte with Nomi Tomo [Drink Buddy], Kirin Beverage with Kirin Hakko Ukon [Kirin Fermented Curcumin] and Ajinomoto with No Mikata [Drink Support].

The report also covers functional cosmetic beverages and includes Shiseido's recently released IN & ON which is sold as part of a comprehensive 6-week beauty program. According to Shiseido, the beverage helps improve the overall skin condition from within the body, augmenting the effects of the creams and lotions applied externally.

Other examples include Pokka Corp which has become the first Japanese company to retail a powder type functional beverage solely via drug store outlets. Each 5g sachet of the Beauty Prune beverage contains 2.5g of dietary fibre - the equivalent amount contained in 3 prunes - and is being specifically targeted at women suffering with constipation.

Other products of note include Melodian Harmony Fine's Mizu Suiso No Chikara [The Power of Water Hydrogen] a functional water beverage produced using independently developed technology that increases the concentration of hydrogen in the water. The hydrogen rapidly and safely neutralises and expels so-called bad active oxygen in the body responsible for many of the symptoms of visible ageing, etc.

Kirin Yasumu Hi No Alc 0.00% [Kirin's 0.000% Alcohol Beverage for Days Off] from Kirin Brewery is a beer-flavoured beverage with a zero alcohol content. The item is formulated with ornithine - a type of amino acid extracted from corbicula (A type of Japanese shell fish) said to be effective in helping the liver to recover from the damaging effects of excessive drinking. Universal Data Resources Inc. (UDR)hopes that the descriptions of the wide range of Japanese innovative functional beverages outlined in the report (60 items from 45 companies) will provide a valuable aid in the development and /or marketing of new items within each of your own countries.

To this end, the report aims to provide a concise overview of each of the items with accompanying photograph of the item and brief profile of the manufacturer. The scope of the report covers all types of what is widely termed Functional Beverages and in addition to the item types briefly outlined above also includes low or zero calorie soft drinks, isotronic and other sports drinks as well as health tonics. Data used in the compilation of the report has been obtained from Japanese trade journals, manufacturer press releases, interviews with manufacturers and other related organisations in addition to trade exhibitions and events, etc.

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Research and Markets
Laura Wood, Senior Manager.
U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907
Fax (outside U.S.): 353-1-481-1716
Sector: Beverage


Research and Markets
Laura Wood, Senior Manager.
U.S. Fax: 646-607-1907
Fax (outside U.S.): 353-1-481-1716
Sector: Beverage