On the Way to Become the Continental European Market Leadership: yourdelivery Group (Including lieferando.de) Increases Its International Presence with the Acquisition of Polish Portal pyszne.pl.

- The yourdelivery Group is now offering online ordering through over 6,500 delivery services in five countries across Europe

- The knowhow and partner-network of pyszne.pl, Poland's second largest portal for online food orders based on the number of delivery services, opens the Polish market to yourdelivery

- The goal is to become market leader within continental Europe

MUNICH--()--The yourdelivery group, which includes online food ordering portals in Germany (www.lieferando.de), Austria (www.lieferando.at), Switzerland (www.lieferando.ch), France (www.taxiresto.fr) and Poland (www.smakuje.pl) is set to expand the Polish division of its business with the acquisition of local competitor pyszne.pl (www.pyszne.pl). The takeover of the second largest portal for online food orders in Poland (based on the number of delivery services) continues the yourdelivery Group's international expansion and broadens its network of contractors. smakuje.pl will merge with pyszne.pl, increasing the portal's number of contractors to 400. Users in several European countries are now able to easily and conveniently order sushi, pizza and other meals from over 6,500 delivery services. In Germany, lieferando.de is already the provider offering the most delivery services.

'The yourdelivery group is the ideal partner to provide us with the necessary financial and strategic resources that will enable us to become market leader in Poland,' says Arkadiusz Krupicz, co-founder of pyszne.pl.

The yourdelivery Group strengthens its own position with the acquisition of pyszne.pl and the expansion of its delivery services network, and is heading towards continental Europe market leadership within the delivery-service-platform sector.

'The acquisition of pyszne.pl is very important for us to quickly establish ourselves in Poland and therefore advance our internationalization strategy. After our short-term goal of market leadership in Germany, we will seek to achieve the same in continental Europe,' explains Jörg Gerbig, co-founder and CEO of lieferando.de.

Since its inception, the young company has already passed several milestones on its path towards continental European market leadership. In addition to last year's acquisition of competitor eat-star and its expansion into Austria, Switzerland and France, it received a fourth round of financing in July, meaning the yourdelivery Group now has a total of 6 million Euros in growth capital from new and existing investors.

About yd. yourdelivery GmbH:

The yd. yourdelivery GmbH is active in five countries with its online food ordering platforms, which includes lieferando.de (www.lieferando.de) lieferando.at (www.lieferando.at) lieferando.ch (www.lieferando.ch) taxiresto.fr (www.taxiresto.fr) and smakuje.pl (www.smakuje.pl). Individuals and businesses can find exactly what they are looking for in the menus and product offerings of the affiliated service delivery partners, whether it be pizza, pasta, sushi, fruit or beverages, and have it all delivered to their home or office. In contrast to many other service delivery platforms, payment can be made not only in cash, but nearly every partner also offers the convenience of PayPal, credit card or bank transfer. With the free iPhone app, users can order and pay for the food directly while on the go. The yd. yourdelivery GmbH is currently active in several European countries with more than 8,000 contractors.

lieferando.de offers companies the possibility of replacing the usual expense receipts of individual employees (including catering and business lunches) with a monthly invoice.


Benjamin Blum


Benjamin Blum