Multinationals Predict $7.5B Investment in Irish Operations in Next Three Years – Comprehensive Report On FDI In Ireland

Confidence in Ireland investments remains firm

DUBLIN--()--Foreign investors and multinationals predict they will invest an estimated $7.5 billion in their Irish operations over the next three years, states a report published today commissioned by leading Irish law firm Matheson Ormsby Prentice. The report predicts that half of the anticipated growth in Ireland will be in financial services, a quarter in technology and the remainder in pharmaceutical and other industries.

The report, Investing in Ireland - A survey of foreign direct investors,” is authored by the Economist Intelligence Unit, and examines the main factors that bring foreign investment to Ireland and the main challenges in attracting it.

The key findings of the report, which comes 12 months after the last election in Ireland and during a period of intense pressure in the Eurozone, are:

Key Findings:

  • 97% of existing foreign investors plan on maintaining investment levels in Ireland over the next 3 years. Just 3% plan a reduction
  • 46% of foreign investors cited Ireland’s access to other EU markets as the country’s most attractive attribute, 30% stated legal and fiscal stability, 29% cited the corporate tax rate (other tax factors are also important)
  • 44% of those already investing in Ireland cited the country’s corporate tax rate as the original factor that attracted them to Ireland

Liam Quirke, Managing Partner at Matheson Ormsby Prentice (MOP) said, “The job creation estimates clearly show that foreign investors have a very positive attitude to Ireland. This survey is about understanding the needs of international business when making investment decisions, and how Ireland can better compete for such investments. It is important that policy-makers think about Ireland as an actual business, with actual customers, and make the needs of these customers a priority.”

Matheson Ormsby Prentice is Ireland’s largest law firm, with U.S. offices in New York and Palo Alto, Calif. The firm has a primary focus on advising international corporations and financial institutions doing business in and through Ireland, and has advised on many of the significant foreign direct investment (FDI) projects to have taken place in Ireland in recent years. MOP was the first European law firm to establish an office in Silicon Valley (in 1996), and advises over 50% of the Fortune 100 companies and 27 of the world’s 50 largest banks.

John Ryan, Head of the firm’s U.S. offices said: “Ireland has built an exceptionally strong relationship with US investors based on its ability to provide the best gateway to the EU Internal Market. Over 600 American companies now have a presence in Ireland, with U.S. companies accounting for 25% of Ireland’s GDP and over 60% of all Irish exports.”

In compiling the report, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) surveyed 315 senior executives in international companies and financial institutions across the U.S., EMEA and Asia Pacific. 49% were from the financial services industry, 15% from IT/online, and the remainder from sectors including pharmaceuticals. In-depth interviews were also carried out with senior executives from some of the largest FDI operations in Ireland.

The report examines the main factors that bring foreign investment to Ireland and the main challenges in attracting it. It identifies that there are four key cornerstones to Ireland’s FDI offering – access to the EU internal market; the overall taxation infrastructure; the ability to supply a skilled pool of labor; and a stable legal and fiscal framework.

The Access Cornerstone – Ireland must be the premier gateway jurisdiction to the EU market

  • The prime motivation for global investors to invest outside of their home market is to access new markets – 58% said this was their most important consideration
  • 46% cited access to the EU market as a key competitive advantage for Ireland
  • 51% said the size of Ireland’s domestic market was a disadvantage

Liam Quirke said: “It is important to understand the relevance of Ireland to global investors. Our key advantage is not offering a market for goods, it is acting as a gateway to a bigger market. With increasing investment likely to come into Europe from China, India, Brazil and the Middle East over the coming years, we need to position ourselves to ensure we can act as the gateway to Europe for those investors, just as we already do for the U.S.”

The Taxation Cornerstone – Corporation Tax just one ingredient of a competitive tax infrastructure

  • 46% of respondents cited a competitive corporate tax rate as an important factor when considering investment decisions. 44% of those with investments already in Ireland cited the corporate tax rate as the original factor that attracted them
  • 29% of respondents consider the corporate tax rate as one of Ireland’s key attractions
  • 16% cited double taxation treaties as a key advantage
  • 40% rated Ireland’s R&D tax credits system as more competitive than other locations
  • The importance of the corporate tax rate varies depending on industry – 65% of pharmaceutical firms rated it as an important attribute. 35% of US firms cited it as important.
  • Personal taxation is perceived as the weakest element of Ireland’s tax offering

Liam Quirke said: “The headline corporate tax rate is clearly important. However, to compete successfully for mobile international investment requires a much more holistic approach in terms of our overall tax offering.”

The Talent Cornerstone – Giving FDI investors the access to the right pool of skilled labor

  • 28% of respondents mention Ireland’s skilled workforce as a key competitive advantage
  • 23% mentioned Ireland’s base of skilled labor from across the EU (due to open labor markets)
  • Ireland’s workforce is seen as being “reliable and able to handle complexity”
  • Personal taxation is perceived as the weakest element of Ireland’s tax offering – how will this impact on attracting and retaining senior international executives

Liam Quirke said: “Ireland must ensure that FDI investors have access to the right pool of skilled labor. This means attracting the best and brightest people to Ireland, whatever their country of origin.”

The Legal, Fiscal and Regulatory Cornerstone – Make Ireland the best small country in which to do business

  • 30% of respondents said that Ireland’s legal and fiscal stability was a key competitive advantage (33% Financial Services, 26% Non Financial Services)
  • 50% said political stability was “very significant” when it came to FDI decisions
  • Fiscal certainty was deemed important by 87% of respondents
  • Report shows that Government must consider the unintended consequences of regulation of the financial services industry

Liam Quirke said: “It is especially important that policy-makers clearly understand that where trade-offs are necessary, the attractiveness of Ireland as a location for cross-border activity should be a priority consideration. This will require a differentiated approach between the regulation of domestic and international business activities, nowhere more so than in the regulation of financial services.”

Other noteworthy findings

Other notable findings of the EIU report were:

  • 51% of those surveyed said that Government’s top priority for the next three years should be stabilizing Ireland’s financial system. 37% said attracting inward investment should be a priority
  • 53% believe that Ireland’s economic policy is increasingly determined by international institutions
  • When asked if they had more faith in the current Irish Government than the previous one, almost one third (31%) said they had, while 54% said they were “neutral”

The full report can be downloaded from the following location:

About Matheson Ormsby Prentice

Matheson Ormsby Prentice (MOP) has 78 partners, employs more than 600 people and has offices in Dublin, London, New York and Silicon Valley. It was the first European firm to establish an office in Silicon Valley, and has advised on some of the most significant FDI projects by U.S. companies in Ireland in recent years.

The firm focuses primarily on serving the Irish legal needs of international companies and financial institutions doing business in and through Ireland. It represents many of the Fortune 500, FT Global 500 and FT Euro 500 companies, including 27 of the world’s 50 largest banks and over 50% of the Fortune 100 companies. The firm also acts for some of the largest public, private and state owned companies in Ireland.


Rosemarie Yu, LLC
Rosemarie Yu, 917-647-8454
Matheson Ormsby Prentice
John Ruddy, +353-1-232-2176

Release Summary

Report by Irish law firm Matheson Ormbsy Prentice finds foreign businesses have confidence in Ireland citing: access to EU, tax infrastructure, labor pool and legal, fiscal and regulatory stability.


Rosemarie Yu, LLC
Rosemarie Yu, 917-647-8454
Matheson Ormsby Prentice
John Ruddy, +353-1-232-2176