Semcon Taking Part in Electric Powertrain Research Project


The ELDRIVET project is being jointly run by small, mid-sized and large companies in the Swedish automotive industry and a university. The companies taking part are: AB Volvo, Volvo Cars, Scania, Semcon, Kollmorgen, Kongsberg Automotive, BEVI, BAE Systems Hägglunds and Innovatum. The university taking part is Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering. The project is being carried out within the framework of the FFI – Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation programme, run jointly by the state and the automotive industry. The Swedish Energy Agency has provided SEK 18 million to finance the project.

The project’s ambition is to develop the level of electrical propulsion expertise in the Swedish automotive industry. A more in-depth and broader level of skill in this area of technology is crucial for the industry’s competitive strength in the areas of electric vehicles, hybrids and chargeable hybrids.

The first aim of the project is to look at new cooling and testing methods, to improve the performance and lifespan of electric motors and power electronics. An analysis of alternative materials in power transistors will be carried out. The project will also aim at increasing the collaboration between industrial partners as well as between industry and academia.

Semcon is taking part in two sub-projects. The first will concentrate on method development in calculating and testing the cooling of power electronics, while the second will focus on new technology for testing electric motors.

This is being run as part of Semcon’s Automotive R&D business area’s venture in research and development in the selected technology areas of - SAFE-LEAN-LIGHT-SMART.

“Apart from improving expertise in order to meet future challenges, we see research as an important form of networking with our customers and business partners,” says Lars A Carlsson, Technical Director at Automotive R&D.

Semcon is a global company active in the areas of engineering services and product information. The Group has around 2,800 employees with extensive experience from many different industries. We develop technologies, products, plants and information solutions along the entire development chain and also provide many services including quality control, training and methodology development. Semcon boosts customers’ sales and competitive strength by providing them with innovative solutions, design and solid engineering solutions. The Group has sales of SEK 2.1 billion and activities at more than 40 sites in Sweden, Germany, the UK, Brazil, Hungary, India, China, Spain and Russia

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Lars A Carlsson, Teknisk direktör på Automotive R&D
+46 (0)73 684 07 28


Lars A Carlsson, Teknisk direktör på Automotive R&D
+46 (0)73 684 07 28