South Florida Doctor Launches “Too Big To Care 2012” in support of “Occupy Wall Street Protests”

Effort Seeks to Give a Voice to the Millions Demanding Justice from Wall Street Greed and Indifference

MIAMI--()--Moved by the suffering of millions of Americans, angry at the greed and impunity of the Wall Street banks, frustrated by the lack of support from the politicians and inspired by the passion of the Occupy Wall Street Movement, a South Florida Ophthalmologist announced the launch of an effort, Too Big to Care, designed to provide a platform for the stories of the 99%’ers to be told and their voices heard.

Dr. Salomon Melgen, a self-made American, is dedicating his time and money to help give a voice to the millions who are standing up and demanding to be heard. Too Big to Care seeks to inform and educate Americans on the issues related to banking reform and demand action from politicians that take the nation’s best interest to heart rather than the interest of big banks.

“The American people bailed out the big banks because our politicians deemed them Too Big to Fail. But since then, the banks have profited immensely at taxpayer expense while arrogantly paying their executives millions in bonuses and treating the very taxpayers that bailed them out with scorn and indifference,” explained Dr. Melgen. “Everyday there are more and more horror stories of banking abuse against consumers of all stripes. No one is immune. Banks could not care less whether you are rich, middle class or working class, because the fact is, they are simply Too Big To Care.”

Dr. Melgen found himself as a victim of big banks back in 2004, when he lost millions of dollars, in his opinion, due to the greed, carelessness and indifference of Bank of America. “Ever since the 1999 repeal of the Glass Steagall Act of 1933, which separated the bank’s consumer operations from those of investment banks, banks have lost sight of the protective and trustworthy institutions they once represented,” states Dr. Melgen. “The American public had no choice but to bail out these big financial institutions for fear of our nation’s financial ruin, but who is protecting and bailing out the people of this nation when big banks are not held responsible for the unethical and downright illegal actions against the very people they should be protecting?”

The mission of Dr. Melgen’s Too Big to Care movement is to educate American’s on bank regulations and to demand accountability from political leaders to ensure that these banks no longer hold America hostage to their reckless greed. One of its goals is to reintroduce the concepts of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 as options for regulating the banks and to ensure that the Dodd-Frank law is enacted as it was designed.

About Too Big to Care

Too Big to Care is designed to collect stories from Americans from all walks of life, let their voices be heard by those in power and together, demand accountability and change in the banking system. Too Big to Care urges all American Consumers to join the fight and sign the petition to end corporate greed and corruption at


Too Big to Care
Pabla Ayala, Cell: +1-954-554-4011
Phone: 1-305-573-4775

Release Summary

Effort seeks to give a voice to the millions demanding justice from Wall Street greed and indifference


Too Big to Care
Pabla Ayala, Cell: +1-954-554-4011
Phone: 1-305-573-4775