Global Changemakers for Children Honored by World of Children

World of Children Award to Recognize Seven Social Changemakers for their Extraordinary Initiatives to Transform Children’s Lives

NEW YORK--()--Seven changemakers who have dramatically transformed the lives of children around the world will be honored in New York City on November 2 by the World of Children Award (, the only global recognition and funding non-profit that recognizes individuals who are improving the lives of vulnerable children worldwide.

These extraordinary individuals, who have each pioneered life-changing programs to benefit the world’s most vulnerable children, will be honored with the award that’s been hailed by the media as the “Nobel Prize for children” – an annual honor that includes a cash grant of up to $50,000 for honorees’ programs.

“We are humbled by the efforts undertaken by these amazing people and it is our great pleasure to recognize and reward their work on behalf of the world’s vulnerable children,” said Harry Leibowitz, World of Children Award co-founder and co-chairman.

For 14 years, the World of Children Award has used a rigorous vetting process to identify the world’s most effective child advocates and provide funding for their efforts to improve children’s lives. The organization’s exhaustive research and vetting of individuals spearheading health and humanitarian initiatives across the global spectrum has been hailed by leading philanthropic organizations.

“World of Children honorees are compelling reminders that one person has tremendous power to positively impact society,” said actress Stephanie March, World of Children Award’s Celebrity Ambassador. “These fine honorees have committed their entire lives to helping the world's most vulnerable children through ingenious and effective solutions that cannot and should not be ignored."

The World of Children Award is led by co-founders Harry Leibowitz and Kay Isaacson-Leibowitz, retired senior executives from Procter & Gamble and Victoria’s Secret, whose dream is to bestow a Nobel Prize-like award to honor individuals who dramatically improve vulnerable children’s lives. Since 1998, the World of Children Award has granted more than $4.3 million in cash grants and program support to 90 honorees who are the driving force behind programs serving children in more than 100 countries.

The 2011 World of Children Award Winners are:

Health Award: Dr. Ashok Banskota, Age 63, Kathmandu, Nepal
Founder, Hospital and Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children (
Dr. Ashok Banskota has dedicated a lifetime of service to Nepal’s most disadvantaged children, spending the past several decades volunteering his time and talents to provide more than 43,000 poor, disabled children with life-changing medical care. After training and earning his board certification in New York, Dr. Banskota returned to Nepal and was shocked by his country’s lack of medical resources for the poor. In 1984, Dr. Banskota started a small program to help poor children with disabilities and has since grown it into what is now the Hospital and Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children, a world-class center that provides surgery and rehabilitation for disabled Nepalese children who would otherwise be ostracized by society or even sold to circuses to live a short life of humiliation. HRDC treats children under seventeen for issues ranging from club feet, to burns to tuberculosis of the spine.

Humanitarian Award: Denisse Pichardo, Age 65, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Founder, Caminante Proyecto Educativo (
When Denisse Pichardo was asked in 1994 to study the issue of sexual tourism and children working in the streets in the municipality of Boca Chica, Dominican Republic she was moved to action by what she saw: foreign tourists coming and going with local children, especially young girls, and extremely poor families forced to give or sell their children to preying tourists. To help, she established Caminante Proyecto Educativo (Caminante Educational Project), a nonprofit dedicated to empowering the most vulnerable youth in the sex tourism center of Boca Chica, Dominican Republic, as well as in neighboring Haiti and beyond. To date, Denisse’s nonprofit has changed the lives of nearly 13,000 youth affected by sex tourism – preventing the sexual exploitation of children, reducing violence in their communities and rescuing and healing youth affected by prostitution and other traumas.

Youth Award: Tatiana Grossman, Age 16, Palto Alto, California
Founder, Spread the Words (
When Tatiana Grossman learned at age 12 that 75 percent of children in some African countries could not read and lacked access to books, she immediately took action – leading a solo book drive on the lawn of her community’s children’s library and collecting thousands of books that now serve 62 schools and villages in Botswana and Lesotho. Fueled by her initial success, she founded a nonprofit organization, Spread the Words, to increase early literacy around the world by helping children create school libraries in impoverished communities, support the libraries they've started, and bring digital curriculum, textbooks and resources to schools that need them. Today, Tatiana and Spread the Words have already established libraries serving 80 African villages and primary schools where before there were none. Now she’s consulting with Microsoft engineers to provide African classrooms with the latest in digital teaching materials and free digital textbooks.

Youth Award: Neha Gupta, Age 15, Yardley, Pennsylvania
Founder, Empower Orphans (
Neha Gupta began volunteering in orphanages while visiting her grandparents in India when she was only nine years old. Realizing these orphans were neither receiving a proper education nor the love and guidance of a parent, she was moved to do more and founded Empower Orphans, which strives to help orphaned and underprivileged children gain a basic education and become productive members of society. Since then, all volunteer-run Empower Orphans has served more than 10,000 orphans in India and the United States by establishing health clinics, libraries, computer labs and sewing centers and providing them with food, schooling, books, bicycles, clothing and other basic life necessities. Neha has also motivated her peers to follow suit by developing teams of youth volunteers in the USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and India and will soon expand Empower Orphans to Africa and other Asian countries in the coming year.

Youth Award: Luke Lancaster, Age 16, East Sussex, UK
Founder, The Young Pioneers (
Crowhurst, East Sussex teen Luke Lancaster founded his organization, Young Pioneers, at age 12 after being continuously bullied at school. This experience led him to notice that many other students were like him – struggling to succeed in school and life, and yet still wanting to make a positive difference in the world. Inspired to find a solution, Luke created a youth-led organization whose goal is to “make it cool to care.” Young Pioneers’ research found that 83 percent of young people today would rather ask a friend for advice than an adult, parent or teacher. In response, Young Pioneers has created a training program to equip young people with the tools and abilities necessary to overcome adversity and lead change. Luke’s international education training program, “Tomorrows Leaders,” is identifying and developing young people around the world to be a catalyst for change in their own lives, as well as in their schools and communities. The Young Pioneers is now building on its success by expanding from the UK into France, Germany, the Netherlands and the U.S.

Advocacy Award: Laura & Harry Slatkin, New York, NY
Co-founders, New York Center for Autism (
The World of Children Award’s Board of Governors will also bestow a non-monetary World of Children Advocacy Award to Laura and Harry Slatkin for their extraordinary efforts to improve children’s health through the New York Center for Autism (NYCA), which they co-founded. Their own family story inspired them to open the center in 1999 as a tripartite organization dedicated to autism education, community outreach and biomedical research. Laura and Harry have also launched consortiums of national, regional and local autism organizations to advance a new national agenda for autism advocacy and research. In addition to their tremendous dedication to children and autism, the Slatkins are successful entrepreneurs – with Laura serving as CEO of NEST Fragrances and Harry leading Belstaff as CEO.


The World of Children Award ( is the only global recognition and funding program for people specifically and exclusively serving the needs of children. Now a 14-year-old philanthropy dedicated to identifying and leveraging the efforts of those working on the ground to improve children’s lives, the World of Children Award has recognized some of the most effective child advocates worldwide and provided funding and visibility for their efforts.

Hailed as the Nobel Prize for Child Advocates, the World of Children Award program sets the Gold Standard for child advocates, recognizing only the finest life-changing programs serving vulnerable children. The World of Children Award employs a world-class research, review, vetting and selection process led by a committee of independent experts and professionals to find those individuals who are pioneering life-changing programs to benefit children. Then World of Children Award invests, through cash grants, in those individuals with a demonstrated track record of success, honors them at an annual Awards ceremony in New York City and helps them leverage their World of Children Award recognition to raise additional funds and generate visibility and strategic partnerships for their programs. Leading philanthropies praise this organization’s extensive worldwide research and vetting of extraordinary individuals who are spearheading health and humanitarian programs. The World of Children Award has awarded more than $4.3 million in cash grants and program support to assist 90 changemakers for children working in over 100 countries.


For World of Children
Deborah Schneider, 415-277-6973


For World of Children
Deborah Schneider, 415-277-6973