Media Reminder: PennFuture’s “Speak out for Solar” visits Pittsburgh, Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 7:30 a.m.

GSP Consulting

Grand Concourse Restaurant Building (Landmarks Building)

100 West Station Square Drive, 5th Floor

PITTSBURGH--()--Citizens for Pennsylvania’s Future (PennFuture) today announced it will hold a breakfast event, “Workers, Citizens, and Solar Businesses Speak Out: Help Build Pennsylvania’s Solar Industry,” in Pittsburgh on Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 7:30 a.m. at GSP Consulting, Landmarks Building, 100 West Station Square Drive, Fifth Floor.

The Speak Out will feature solar entrepreneurs, employees, and customers, part of the industry that has created 6,700 Pennsylvania jobs and over 4,000 solar installations in the state, bringing economic growth and environmental benefits to Pennsylvania. Speakers will discuss their experiences and concerns that these jobs and companies could be at risk unless Pennsylvania takes action to protect and grow this vital business sector.

Participants include:

  • Tom Peters – Scalo Solar
  • Eric Casteel – co-chair, Solar Unified Network of Western Pennsylvania (SUNWPA)
  • Adam Rossi – Adam Solar Resources
  • Tim Quigley – Solar-Tec, a division of WR Casteel, solar company
  • Peter Olmsted – Vote Solar
  • Ian Smith – Standard Solar
  • Joe Morinville – Independent Energy Solutions
  • Rich Foltz – Vox Energy Solutions

The event is free, includes refreshments, and is open to the public, but pre-registration is required. Registration may be made online at, or by telephone at 717-214-7920.

A solar and Pennsylvania jobs advocacy day will be held on October 24 at the State Capitol in Harrisburg.


Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future
Jeanne Clark, 412-258-6683 or 412-736-6092

Release Summary

PennFuture is hosting a public event on 9/29 in Pittsburgh, “Workers, Citizens, and Solar Businesses Speak Out: Help Build Pennsylvania’s Solar Industry.”


Citizens for Pennsylvania's Future
Jeanne Clark, 412-258-6683 or 412-736-6092