LAKE JACKSON, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--As the 2012 GOP Presidential field begins to take shape, recent polling shows Congressman Ron Paul emerging a top-tier candidate and a credible threat to unseat assumed front runner Mitt Romney.
A recent number of polls on the race for the Republican presidential nomination have consistently shown Dr. Paul surging and in many cases running a clear second.
In the latest Gallup poll from May 26, 2011, Ron Paul comes in second, ahead of all other declared candidates for the Republican presidential nomination. In New Hampshire's most recent UNH Survey Center poll, Paul again scores second place ahead of all others officially in the race. And once again in the most recent CNN poll, Congressman Paul ties for second place versus all other announced candidates.
Several other polls from a month earlier, including Quinnipiac, Fox News, Rasmussen, and McClatchy, have all shown Ron Paul either tied for second or coming in at a very close third among declared candidates.
Our campaign firmly believes that Dr. Paul's long track record of consistent, staunch economic conservatism, proven fund raising prowess and unmatched leadership on inflation and dollar devaluation will continue to push him up in the polls.
For more information on Congressman Ron Paul’s Presidential Campaign visit