Teleperformance - 2010 Results

2010 Objectives Achieved

  • Revenue up 11.4% as reported
  • EBITA before non-recurring items at 8.5% of revenue
  • Still robust financial position

PARIS--()--Regulatory News:

The Supervisory Board of Teleperformance (Paris:RCF) met on February 25, 2011 and reviewed the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010.

€ millions                 2010                 2009
Revenue                 2,058.5                


Growth as reported



EBITDA before non-recurring items* 257.8 227.9

EBITDA margin before non-recurring items



EBITA before non-recurring items* 174.5 156.2

EBITA margin before non-recurring items



Net operating profit 119.1 130.0
Net profit - attributable to shareholders                 71.9                 88.2
Free cash flow 74.5 122.2
Equity 1,230.7 1,114.1
Net cash surplus                 1.1                 11.0

Statements of Income - 2010: €1 = US$1.33 - 2009: €1 = US$1.39
Balance Sheets - 2010: €1 = US$1.34 - 2009: €1 = US$1.44

*Before provisions for restructuring operations in France (2010: €47 million -2009: €21 million)

EBITA before non-recurring items: Net operating profit before amortization of acquired intangible assets and provisions for restructuring operations in France


Revenue amounted to €2,058.5 million in 2010, compared with €1,847.7 million in 2009, an increase of 11.4% as reported and 1.1% like-for-like. As announced, following a more challenging first half, the Group returned to organic growth in the second six months of the year.

The currency effect was positive, adding €86.7 million to reported growth for the year. It primarily reflected the gains against the euro in the US dollar (€28.9 million), Brazilian real (€16.7 million), Mexican peso (€14.3 million) and Canadian dollar (€8.7 million).

Acquisitions-related changes in the scope of consolidation contributed €101.1 million. Acquired companies consolidated for the first time in 2010 included Colombia’s Teledatos, since December 31, 2009; Metis in Turkey and TLSContact in France, since January 1, 2010; and beCogent in the United Kingdom and the U.S. Solutions Group Inc. in the United States, since August 1, 2010.


Reported revenue was up in all regions, although the increase varied from one region to another. Revenue in the Iberico-LATAM region increased at a sustained pace and represented nearly one-third of annual billings, while the proportion of revenue derived from Europe declined during the year.

€ millions       2010       2009       Change
                  Reported       Like-for-like
English-speaking market & Asia-Pacific       761.9       687.0       +10.9%       +0.8%
Iberico-LATAM       581.9       456.4       +27.5%       +5.3%
Continental Europe & MEA       714.6       704.2       +1.5%       -1.7%
TOTAL       2,058.5       1,847.7       +11.4%       +1.1%
  • English-speaking market & Asia-Pacific

Regional revenue rose by 10.9% as reported in 2010. The United States saw a sharp increase, especially in the fourth quarter, led by the significant growth in existing business and the acquisition of large new customers. Revenue was positively impacted by the currency effect and by the early-August acquisition of UK-based beCogent. Like-for-like revenue was up 0.8% compared with 2009.

  • Iberico-LATAM

The Iberico-LATAM region turned in the fastest revenue growth for the year, with a 27.5% gain as reported. This strong performance was driven by 5.3% organic growth, as well as by the contribution from acquisitions and the rise in local currencies against the euro.
Business continued to expand at a firm pace in Brazil but remained adversely impacted by the difficult economic environment in Spain.

  • Continental Europe & MEA

Regional revenue rose by 1.5% as reported but contracted by 1.7% like-for-like.
In Europe, the Group halted the decline in business by adjusting its contract portfolio, while generating a solid performance in the Nordic and Eastern European countries. In France, business stabilized late in the year with a flat fourth quarter. In addition, in late January 2011, Teleperformance France signed an Employment Protection Plan agreement with employee representatives, following completion of the consultation process. The project is a key component in the transformation plan intended to overhaul the French subsidiary.


EBITDA before non-recurring items (excluding provisions for restructuring operations in France) totaled €257.8 million, or 12.5% of revenue, compared with €227.9 million in 2009.

EBITA before non-recurring items (net operating profit before amortization of acquired intangible assets and provisions for restructuring operations in France) stood at €174.5 million, compared with €156.2 million the year before.
EBITA margin before non-recurring items held stable at 8.5% of revenue, in line with the previously announced objective. However, margin varied widely from one region to another, from more than 10% in the Iberico-LATAM and English-speaking market & Asia-Pacific regions to just slightly positive in Continental Europe & MEA.

During the year, provisions set aside to cover the restructuring of operations in France totaled €47 million versus €21 million in 2009. Of the total, €45 million concerned the second plan announced in summer 2010, the terms of which were covered by an agreement signed with employee representatives in late January 2011.

As a result, net operating profit for the year amounted to €119.1 million, compared with €130 million in 2009. After the impact of non-recurring provisions, net operating profit represented 5.8% of revenue, versus 7% in the previous year.

Income tax expense came to €41.2 million in 2010, versus €41.3 million in the previous year. This represented an effective tax rate of 35.7%, an increase over the previous year’s 31.8%, due to different bases of calculation in Italy and France.
Net profit attributable to shareholders amounted to €71.9 million, compared with €88.2 million in 2009.


  • Capital expenditure and investments

As announced, Teleperformance focused on organic growth in 2010, with the result that capital expenditure rose sharply to €103 million, or 5% of revenue, from €68 million and 3.7% in 2009. Most of the outlays were committed to increasing operating capacity in Brazil, the Philippines and the United States.

Financial investments declined to €79.6 million from €97.5 million in 2009. They corresponded to the acquisitions of U.S. Solutions Group Inc. in the United States, beCogent in the United Kingdom, a 50% stake in TLSContact, a 75% stake in Turkey’s Metis and the final payment for the acquisition of Teledatos, most of which was recognized in 2009.

In all, capital expenditure and investments totaled €182.5 million, compared with €165.6 million in 2009.

  • Cash Flow

In 2010, cash flow before non-recurring items and taxes rose by 10.5% to €253.3 million from €229.3 million in 2009.

After payment of normalized income tax, the outlay of €18 million in payments as part of the first voluntary separation plan implemented in France, and capital expenditure, free cash flow totaled €74.5 million, versus €122.2 million in 2009.

  • Financing

The Group’s financial structure is solid. At December 31, 2010, equity stood at €1,230.7 million, compared with €1,114.1 million a year earlier. The net cash surplus amounted to €1.1 million at December 31, 2010 and, thanks to more centralized management of cash flows, Teleperformance’s unused syndicated credit facility came to €250 million, versus €180 million at December 31, 2009.


Despite the exceptional expenses related to the reorganization of operations in France, the Management Board will recommend that shareholders at the Annual Meeting on May 31, 2011 maintain the 2010 dividend at €0.33 per share.


On July 28, 2010, Teleperformance acquired U.S. Solutions Group Inc. (USSG). Founded in 2001, the Virginia-based company manages three call centers with nearly 480 workstations. It is mainly involved in customer service and technical support as well as Web-based billing and customer service solutions.

On August 17, 2010, Teleperformance acquired all outstanding shares in UK-based beCogent, which employs around 3,000 people in four contact centers in Airdrie, Erskine, Kilmarnock and Glasgow, Scotland. The acquisition has considerably strengthened Teleperformance’s presence in the United Kingdom, making the Group the country’s second largest operator of outsourced call centers.


At its meeting on February 25, 2011, the Supervisory Board approved the proposed changes in the bylaws that will be submitted to shareholder approval at the Annual Meeting on May 31.

Shareholders will be asked to approve a change in the governance structure from the current two-tier system, with a Supervisory Board and a Management Board, to a unitary system, with a Board of Directors. Daniel Julien, the current Chairman of the Management Board, would be appointed Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors. The dual-board structure has effectively supported the Group’s expansion for more than 15 years. The adoption of a single-tier system would help to make the decision-making and implementation processes more responsive, as demanded in today's globalized economic environment. The new Board of Directors would be comprised of the current Supervisory Board members, plus new members to be elected in the future. In addition, the Board will be supported by an Audit Committee and an Appointments and Compensation Committee. Lastly, an Executive Committee would be created, comprised of the Group’s key managers.


In 2011, the Group intends to strengthen its global leadership in the industry and deploy its development strategy by successfully growing its operations in the United States and Brazil, while improving its performance in the main European markets and focusing in particular on its human resources.

The Group will also pursue its carefully controlled strategy of making targeted acquisitions, based on clearly defined criteria with regard to operational flexibility, profitability and strategic fit with its businesses and geographic locations.

For 2011, Teleperformance expects to generate organic growth in revenue of between 2.5% and 5%. EBITA before non-recurring items should also improve and represent at least 9% of revenue.


The consolidated financial statements have been audited. The auditors will issue their report once they have completed the procedures required for the publication of the annual financial report.


First-quarter 2011 revenue: April 26, 2011


TELEPERFORMANCE (NYSE Euronext Paris: FR 0000051807), the world's leading provider of outsourced CRM and contact center services, has been serving companies around the world rolling out customer acquisition, customer care, technical support and debt collection programs on their behalf. In 2010, the Teleperformance Group reported €2.058 billion in revenue (US$2.738 billion based on an exchange rate of €1 = US$1.33).
The Group operates about 83,000 computerized workstations, with more than 120,000 full-time equivalent employees across 268 contact centers in 50 countries and conducts programs in more than 66 different languages and dialects on behalf of major international companies operating in various industries.


In thousands of euros

                  2010           2009
Revenues 2 058 473 1 847 654
Other revenues 9 099 13 873
Personnel -1 447 116 -1 293 803
External expenses -346 113 -311 565
Taxes other than income taxes -13 847 -15 688
Depreciation and amortization -83 329 -71 620

Amortization of intangible assets acquired as part of a business

-8 410 -5 205
Business combination
Change in inventories -121 42
Other operating income 5 768 5 939
Other operating expenses -55 322 -39 592
Net operating profit before financing costs 119 082 130 035
Income from cash and cash equivalents 3 161 4 068
Interest on financial liabilities -8 805 -7 771
Net financing costs -5 644 -3 703
Other financial income 22 606 15 333
Other financial expenses -20 508 -11 601
Share of profit of equity-accounted investees (net of tax) 0 0
Profit before taxes 115 536 130 064
Income tax -41 195 -41 310
Net profit 74 341 88 754
Net profit - Group share 71 887 88 201
Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests 2 454 553
Basic and diluted earnings per share (€) 1,27 1,56


In thousands of euros

ASSETS                                                                             12.31.2010           12.31.2009
Non-current assets
Goodwill 709 423 627 842
Other intangible assets 96 001 84 048
Property, plant and equipment 256 007 217 283
Financial assets 23 454 18 080
Deferred tax assets 29 666 10 438
Total non-current assets 1 114 551 957 691
Current assets
Inventories 454 567
Current income tax receivable 33 265 31 781
Accounts receivable - Trade 482 286 445 626
Other current assets 103 187 93 500
Other financial assets 7 397 6 239
Cash and cash equivalents 118 355 238 686
Total current assets 744 944 816 399
Total assets 1 859 495 1 774 090
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                                             31.12.2010           31.12.2009
Share capital 141 495 141 490
Share premium 556 181 556 181
Translation reserve 20 115 -46 245
Other reserves 506 682 459 706

Total equity attributable to equity
holders of the parent

1 224 473 1 111 132
Non-controlling interests 6 246 2 933
Total equity 1 230 719 1 114 065
Non-current liabilities
Long-term provisions 5 465 6 251
Financial liabilities 29 439 36 589
Deferred tax liabilities 43 200 31 473
Total non-current liabilities 78 104 74 313
Current liabilities
Short-term provisions 63 243 34 810
Current income tax 25 619 25 277
Accounts payable - Trade 93 365 88 088
Other current liabilities 280 671 246 433
Other financial liabilities 87 774 191 104
Total current liabilities 550 672 585 712
Total equity and liabilities 1 859 495 1 774 090


In thousands of euros

Cash flows from operating activities         2010         2009
Net profit - Group share 71 887 88 201
Net profit attributable to minority interests 2 454 553
Income tax expense 41 195 41 310
Depreciation and amortization 91 739 76 825
Change in provisions 29 279 21 557
Unrealized gains and losses on financial instruments -1 851 808
Gain/losses on disposal of non-current assets, net of tax -197 1 029
Income tax paid -52 906 -31 296
Other 787 -1 029
Internally generated funds from operations 182 387 197 958
Change in working capital requirements relating to operations -4 855 -7 806
Net cash from operating activities 177 532 190 152
Cash flows from investing activities                    

Acquisition of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment

-102 960 -68 096
Acquisition of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired -79 570 -97 514
Loans and advances made -116 -673
Proceeds relating to disposals of intangible assets and property,
plant and equipment
2 354 1 006
Proceeds relating to disposals of subsidiaries, net of cash disposed of 1 431 1 921
Net cash from investing activities -178 861 -163 356
Cash flows from financing activities                    
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from the issue of share capital 4 313 3 342
Acquisition of treasury shares 186 353
Dividends paid to parent company shareholders -18 677 -24 808
Dividends paid to minority interests in consolidated subsidiaries -53 -160
Proceeds from new borrowings 10 895 165 654
Repayment of borrowings -100 070 -192 998
Net cash from financing activities -103 406 -48 617
Change in cash and cash equivalents -104 735 -21 821
Effect of exchange rates on cash held         596         -563
Net cash at January 1 215 851 238 235
Net cash at December 31         111 712         215 851


The allocation of the acquisition price of Teledatos, acquired at the end of 2009, to the assets and liabilities acquired led to the identification in 2010 of certain intangible assets and items of property plant and equipment. The 2009 accounts were adjusted to take into account the recognition of these intangible assets and items of property, plant and equipment at the date of acquisition of Teledatos, leading to a reduction in the initial amount of goodwill and the recognition of a deferred tax liability.


Olivier Rigaudy, Group Finance Managing Director, Member of the Management Board
T + 33 1 55 76 40 80
Anne-Emmanuelle Dognon, Investor Relations
T + 33 1 55 76 40 87
LT VALUE - Investor Relations and Corporate Communication
Nancy Levain / Maryline Jarnoux-Sorin
+ 33 1 44 50 39 30 - + 33 6 72 28 91 44 /

Release Summary



Olivier Rigaudy, Group Finance Managing Director, Member of the Management Board
T + 33 1 55 76 40 80
Anne-Emmanuelle Dognon, Investor Relations
T + 33 1 55 76 40 87
LT VALUE - Investor Relations and Corporate Communication
Nancy Levain / Maryline Jarnoux-Sorin
+ 33 1 44 50 39 30 - + 33 6 72 28 91 44 /