Cano Petroleum Announces Second Quarter Fiscal Year 2011 Results

FORT WORTH, Texas--()--Cano Petroleum, Inc. (NYSE Amex:CFW) today reported its operating results for its second fiscal quarter (“Second Quarter of 2011”) and the six months ended December 31, 2010 (“Current Six Months of 2011”), which are summarized as follows:

Amounts in $Millions,
except LOE per BOE

  Q2 2011   Q2 2010   % Change       6 Months 2011   6 Months 2010   % Change
Operating Revenues   $5.7   $5.6   2% $11.9   $10.6   12%
Lease Operating Expense (LOE)   $2.7   $3.8   -29% $6.0   $8.2   -27%
LOE per BOE   $32.84   $40.33   -19% $32.04   $41.23   -22%
General & Administrative Expenses   $1.6   $2.9   -45% $4.1   $6.4   -36%

Operating Revenues

Operating revenues were $5.7 million in the Second Quarter of 2011, 2% higher than $5.6 million in the second quarter of 2010 (“Prior Year Quarter”). The $0.1 million increase is attributable to increased prices received for crude oil and natural gas sales partially offset by decreased crude oil and natural gas sales volumes. The sales volume decreases resulted from the weather-related electrical outage at the Cato Properties and lower production at the Panhandle Properties partially offset by the return to production (“RTP”) program at the Desdemona Properties. The sales decrease at the Panhandle Properties resulted from gas plant outages by a major purchaser and a reduction in the waterflood injection rate at the Cockrell Ranch Unit in order to optimize crude oil production from fewer wells.

During the Second Quarter of 2011, the average prices the Company received for its oil and natural gas were $80.23 per barrel and $8.15 per Mcf. During the Prior Year Quarter, the average prices the Company received for its oil and natural gas were $69.28 per barrel and $7.38 per Mcf.

Operating revenues were $11.9 million in the Current Six Months of 2011, 12% higher than $10.6 million in the six months ended December 31, 2009 (“Prior Year Six Months”). The $1.3 million increase is attributable to increased prices received for crude oil and natural gas sales partially offset by decreased crude oil and natural gas sales volumes, as previously discussed.

During the Current Six Months of 2011, the average prices the Company received for its oil and natural gas were $74.77 per barrel and $7.92 per Mcf. During the Prior Year Six Months, the average prices the Company received for its oil and natural gas were $65.11 per barrel and $6.19 per Mcf.


LOE was $2.7 million in the Second Quarter of 2011, 29% lower than $3.8 million for the Prior Year Quarter. On a BOE basis, LOE for the Second Quarter of 2011 was $32.84, down from $40.33, a reduction of $7.49 from the Prior Year Quarter. LOE was $6.0 million in the Current Six Months of 2011, 27% lower than $8.2 million for the Prior Year Six Months. On a BOE basis, LOE for the Current Six Months of 2011 was $32.04, down from $41.23, a reduction of $9.19 from the Prior Year Six Months. This reflects our on-going efforts to reduce LOE. The operational efficiencies which yielded our LOE reduction were primarily driven by reduced service rates, reduced workover expenses, and lower chemical costs.

General & Administrative (G&A) Expenses

G&A expenses were $1.6 million the Second Quarter of 2011, 45% lower than $2.9 million for the Prior Year Quarter. G&A expenses were $4.1 million the Current Six Months of 2011, 36% lower than $6.4 million for the Prior Year Six Months. For both the Second Quarter of 2011 and Current Six Months of 2011, our reduced G&A expenses were primarily driven by the termination of the Resaca merger, lower stock-based compensation, lower payroll and benefits expenses and lower fees paid to our board of directors as a result of director resignations during our fiscal first quarter.

Operating Results

For the Second Quarter of 2011, we had a loss applicable to common stock of $4.5 million, which was an improvement of $4.3 million as compared to the Prior Year Quarter of a $8.9 million loss applicable to common stock. The $4.3 million earnings improvement primarily related to lower operating expenses of $7.1 million and decreased loss on derivatives of $1.2 million, partially offset by increased interest expense of $0.9 million and increased preferred stock dividend of $0.5 million. Lower operating expenses of $7.1 million are primarily due to lower exploration expenses of $5.0 million, lower G&A expenses of $1.2 million and reduced LOE of $1.1 million from prior period levels.

For the Current Six Months of 2011, we had a loss applicable to common stock of $9.6 million, which was an improvement of $3.3 million as compared to the $12.9 million loss applicable to common stock incurred for the Prior Year Six Months. Items contributing to the $3.3 million earnings improvement were lower operating expenses of $9.0 million and higher operating revenues of $1.3 million. Partially offsetting these positive items were increased interest expense of $3.5 million, increased loss on derivatives of $1.0 million and increased preferred stock dividend accruals of $0.5 million. Lower operating expenses of $9.0 million are primarily due to lower exploration expenses of $5.0 million, lower G&A expenses of $2.3 million and reduced LOE of $2.2 million from prior period levels.

The increased interest expense for both the Second Quarter of 2011 and Current Six Months of 2011 is due to additional interest and fees due under the Credit Agreements with our lenders. The increased preferred stock dividend for both periods is attributed to the amortization of issuance costs pertaining to our Preferred Stock.

Liquidity and Cash flow from Operations

At December 31, 2010, we had cash and cash equivalents of $0.2 million. We currently have limited access to capital. We continue to focus on cost reduction efforts to improve profitability and cash flow from operations. For the Current Six Months of 2011, our LOE and G&A expenses are $2.2 million and 2.3 million lower, respectively, as compared to the Prior Year Six Months. We continue to work with our lenders and advisors as we consider strategic alternatives. We continue to make our interest payments timely; however, we were not compliant with our covenant ratios at December 31, 2010.

Cash flow from operations was $1.6 million in the Current Six Months of 2011 as compared to ($0.9) million for the Prior Year Six Months. The cash flow increases for the Current Six Months of 2011 resulted from increased operating revenues, lower operating expenses and the sale of certain natural gas commodity derivative contracts of $0.8 million.

Financial Data

Detailed financial data, including the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement and current derivative positions are included in the following pages.

Operations Update

During the Second Quarter of 2011, our primary operating activities focused on continued reduction in LOE expenses, continuing the RTP program at the Desdemona Properties and restoration of production facilities at the Cato Properties necessitated by the weather-related electrical outage which shut in production for 30 days. The continued LOE reductions are shown below. The RTP program increased natural gas sales at the Desdemona Properties by 17 MMcf and crude oil sales by 2 MBbls.

LOE Categories
Amounts in
$Millions, except



Q2 2011



Q1 2011





Workover   $ 0.6   $ 0.7   ($0.1 )
Labor     0.5     0.5   -  
Electricity     0.7     0.8   (0.1 )
Chemicals     0.1     0.2   (0.1 )
Other     0.8     1.1   (0.3 )
Total   $ 2.7   $ 3.3   ($0.6 )

James R. Latimer, III, Cano’s newly appointed CEO commented, "Our quarterly results demonstrate that we are achieving benefits from on-going cost reduction efforts, while maintaining a constant revenue levels. We are continuing to evaluate and reduce our operating expenses. We are also working diligently to accomplish our primary objective of resolving issues with our lenders and evaluating our strategic alternatives.”

No Earnings Conference Call

There will be no earnings conference call.


Cano Petroleum, Inc. is an independent Texas-based energy producer with properties in the mid-continent region of the United States. Led by an experienced management team, Cano’s primary focus is on increasing domestic production from proven fields using enhanced recovery methods. Cano trades on the NYSE AMEX under the ticker symbol “CFW.” Additional information is available at

Safe-Harbor Statement — Except for the historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this news release are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The Company intends that all such statements be subject to the “safe-harbor” provisions of those Acts. Many important risks, factors and conditions may cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially from those discussed in any such forward-looking statement. These risks include, but are not limited to, estimates or forecasts of reserves, estimates or forecasts of production, future commodity prices, exchange rates, interest rates, geological and political risks, drilling risks, product demand, transportation restrictions, the ability of Cano Petroleum, Inc. to obtain additional capital, and other risks and uncertainties described in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The historical results achieved by the Company are not necessarily indicative of its future prospects. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.



Operating Revenue Summary


The table below summarizes our operating revenues for the three- and six-month periods ended December 31, 2010 and 2009.

Three months ended
December 31,
Increase Six months
ended December 31,
2010   2009 (Decrease) 2010   2009 (Decrease)
Operating Revenues (in thousands) $ 5,679 $ 5,634 $ 45 $ 11,923 $ 10,565 $ 1,358
Sales Volumes
Crude Oil (MBbls) 59 68 (9 ) 135 140 (5 )
Natural Gas (MMcf) 112 127 (15 ) 227 234 (7 )
Total (MBOE) 78 89 (11 ) 173 179 (6 )
Average Realized Price
Crude Oil ($/ Bbl) $ 80.23 $ 69.28 $ 10.95 $ 74.77 $ 65.11 $ 9.66
Natural Gas ($/ Mcf) $ 8.15 $ 7.38 $ 0.77 $ 7.92 $ 6.19 $ 1.73
Operating Revenues and Commodity Derivative Settlements (in thousands) (a) $ 6,095 $ 6,830 $ (735 ) $ 13,248 $ 13,612 $ (364 )
Average Adjusted Price (includes commodity derivative settlements)
Crude Oil ($/ Bbl) $ 80.66 $ 73.86 $ 6.80 $ 77.17 $ 72.59 $ 4.58
Natural Gas ($/Mcf) $ 11.61 $ 14.35 $ (2.74 ) $ 12.32 $ 14.74 $ (2.42 )

(a) As discussed in Note 5 to our Consolidated Financial Statements, on August 10, 2010, we sold certain natural gas commodity derivative contracts realizing net proceeds of $0.8 million pursuant to the Forbearance Agreement. The $0.8 million is excluded from the commodity derivative settlements listed above.


Derivative Schedule



As of December 31, 2010, we maintained the following commodity derivative contracts:

Oil Price
Oil Price
Per Day
Gas Price
per Day
Barrels of
Oil per
1/1/11 - 3/31/11 $ 80.00 $ 107.30 333(b) $ $ 333
1/1/11 - 3/31/11 $ 85.00 $ 100.50 200(b)


$ 8.00 $ 11.05 967 361

(a) This column is computed by dividing the “Mcf per Day” by 6 and adding it to “Barrels per Day.”

(b) On February 8, 2011, these crude oil derivative contracts were terminated at no cost to either party.

Oil Price
Per Day
4/1/11 - 12/31/11 $ 75.90 700
1/1/12 - 12/31/12 $ 77.25 700






In Thousands, Except Shares and Per Share Amounts


December 31,

June 30,
2010 2010
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents $ 230 $ 300
Accounts receivable 2,101 2,411
Derivative assets 216 2,968
Deferred tax asset 2,108 17
Inventory and other current assets 1,228 841
Total current assets 5,883 6,537
Oil and gas properties, successful efforts method 296,468 294,961
Less accumulated depletion and depreciation (46,660 ) (44,615 )
Net oil and gas properties 249,808 250,346
Fixed assets and other, net 1,286 2,404
Goodwill 101 101
TOTAL ASSETS $ 257,078 $ 259,388
Current liabilities
Accounts payable $ 3,644 $ 3,297
Accrued liabilities 4,178 2,304
Oil and gas sales payable 937 804
Derivative liabilities 3,479 410
Current maturity of debt 66,450 66,450
Current maturity of Series D convertible preferred stock, net of unamortized discount of $1,156 27,501
Current portion of asset retirement obligations 199 189
Total current liabilities 106,388 73,454
Long-term liabilities
Asset retirement obligations 3,134 2,991
Derivative liabilities 3,647 1,368
Deferred tax liabilities and other 17,581 18,992
Total liabilities 130,750 96,805
Temporary equity
Series D convertible preferred stock and cumulative paid-in-kind dividends, par value $.0001 per share, stated value $1,000 per share; 49,116 shares authorized; 23,849 issued at June 30, 2010; liquidation preference at June 30, 2010 of $28,100, net of unamortized discount of $1,582 26,518
Commitments and contingencies
Stockholders’ equity
Common stock, par value $.0001 per share; 100,000,000 authorized; 47,116,826 and 45,413,749 shares issued and outstanding, respectively, at December 31, 2010; and 47,159,706 and 45,456,629 shares issued and outstanding, respectively, at June 30, 2010 5 5
Additional paid-in capital 190,336 190,500
Accumulated deficit (63,316 ) (53,743 )
Treasury stock, at cost; 1,703,077 shares held in escrow at December 31, 2010 and June 30, 2010, respectively (697 ) (697 )
Total stockholders’ equity 126,328 136,065





Three Months Ended Six Months Ended
December 31, December 31,
In Thousands, Except Per Share Data 2010   2009 2010   2009
Operating Revenues:
Crude oil sales $ 4,763 $ 4,701 $ 10,124 $ 9,121
Natural gas sales 916 933 1,799 1,444
Total operating revenues 5,679 5,634 11,923 10,565
Operating Expenses:
Lease operating 2,690 3,840 5,997 8,187
Production and ad valorem taxes 518 469 1,033 888
General and administrative 1,629 2,875 4,148 6,448
Exploration expense 5,024 5,024
Loss pending resolution of insurance claim 681 681
Impairment of long-lived assets 283 283
Depletion and depreciation 1,067 1,246 2,410 2,495
Accretion of discount on asset retirement obligations 76 68 156 135
Total operating expenses 6,661 13,805 14,425 23,460
Loss from operations (982 ) (8,171 ) (2,502 ) (12,895 )
Other income (expense):
Interest expense and other (1,190 ) (272 ) (3,928 ) (421 )
Loss on derivatives (3,512 ) (4,727 ) (6,230 ) (5,239 )
Total other expense (4,702 ) (4,999 ) (10,158 ) (5,660 )
Loss from continuing operations before income taxes (5,684 ) (13,170 ) (12,660 ) (18,555 )
Deferred income tax benefit 2,045 4,530 4,453 6,232
Loss from continuing operations (3,639 ) (8,640 ) (8,207 ) (12,323 )
Income from discontinued operations, net of related taxes 206 328
Net loss (3,639 ) (8,434 ) (8,207 ) (11,995 )
Preferred stock dividend (896 ) (420 ) (1,366 ) (890 )
Net loss applicable to common stock $ (4,535 ) $ (8,854 ) $ (9,573 ) $ (12,885 )
Net loss per share - basic and diluted
Continuing operations $ (0.10 ) $ (0.19 ) $ (0.21 ) $ (0.29 )
Discontinued operations 0.01
Net loss per share - basic and diluted $ (0.10 ) $ (0.19 ) $ (0.21 ) $ (0.28 )
Weighted average common shares outstanding
Basic and Diluted 45,436 45,570 45,440 45,570





Six Months Ended December 31,
2010   2009
Cash flow from operating activities:
Net loss $ (8,207 ) $ (11,995 )
Adjustments needed to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by (used in) operations:
Unrealized loss on derivatives 8,220 8,160
Loss on sale of oil and gas properties and other 59
Accretion of discount on asset retirement obligations 156 136
Depletion and depreciation 2,410 2,522
Exploration expense 5,024
Impairment of long-lived assets 283
Stock-based compensation expense (157 ) 713
Deferred income tax benefit (4,453 ) (6,044 )
Amortization of debt issuance costs and prepaid expenses 1,333 863
Changes in assets and liabilities relating to operations:
Accounts receivable 302 782
Derivative assets (113 ) (277 )
Inventory and other current assets and liabilities (401 ) (1,233 )
Accounts payable (176 ) 316
Accrued liabilities 2,606 (141 )
Net cash provided by (used in) operations 1,579 (891 )
Cash flow from investing activities:
Additions to oil and gas properties, fixed assets and other (1,651 ) (9,607 )
Net cash used in investing activities (1,651 ) (9,607 )
Cash flow from financing activities:
Repayments of long-term debt (550 )
Borrowings of long-term debt 550 11,000
Proceeds from issuance of common stock, net 2
Payment of preferred stock dividend (383 )
Net cash provided by financing activities 2 10,617
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents (70 ) 119
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 300 392
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period $ 230 $ 511
Supplemental disclosure of noncash transactions:
Payments of preferred stock dividend in kind $ 557 $ 557
Amortization of Preferred Stock Discount 427
Supplemental disclosure of cash transactions:
Cash paid during the period for interest $ 1,391 $ 1,445


Cano Petroleum, Inc.
Mike Ricketts, 214-687-0030
Chief Financial Officer


Cano Petroleum, Inc.
Mike Ricketts, 214-687-0030
Chief Financial Officer