OVUL Launches The Game-Changing Saliva-Based AI-Fertility Tracker

A Simple, Scientifically Backed Method That Transforms Daily Health Tracking into a Quick and Enjoyable Moment


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LOS ANGELES--()--OVUL, is excited to announce the launch of its revolutionary saliva-based AI-fertility tracker on August 1st, 2024 - a groundbreaking tool designed to help women accurately monitor their ovulation cycles with ease and precision. This innovative device combines the simplicity of a three-step process with advanced AI technology, turning daily health tracking into a quick and enjoyable moment. At OVUL, we're committed to sustainability. The device is not only effective but also eco-friendly.

Introducing OVUL: A Three-Step Process

The functionality of the OVUL tracker is incredibly simple, ensuring that users can easily integrate it into their daily routines. The process involves just three easy steps:

  1. Split – Open the device and wait for the indicator light to flash once.
  2. Drop – Place a drop of saliva onto the analyzer slide.
  3. Check the App – Close the device to start the analysis. Your results will be sent to the OVUL App.

OVUL’s Main Advantages:

  1. No Bathroom Needed: Conveniently collect saliva samples anywhere.
  2. No Morning Samples Required: Flexibility to test at any time of the day.
  3. No Refills or Monthly Pharmacy Orders: Once you have the OVUL device, there are no ongoing costs.

Scientifically-Backed Methodology

OVUL's technology is based on a well-established methodology known as saliva ferning, or salivary crystallization. This method, which became recognized as a reliable fertility indicator in the 1950s and 1960s, involves analyzing patterns in dried saliva samples to predict ovulation. The unique ferning patterns, resembling fern leaves, occur due to hormonal changes in the body as ovulation approaches.

Proven Fertility Tracking

The use of saliva ferning as a fertility indicator has been scientifically validated over decades. OVUL leverages this proven method. We use Al to help to interpret these patterns, giving accurate ovulation insights. By monitoring salivary crystallization, OVUL helps women identify their fertile windows with confidence and convenience.

“Navigating fertility challenges while trying to conceive our third child opened my eyes to the world of ovulation testing and fertility solutions. Our little egg-shaped ovulation monitor combines cutting-edge technology with the convenience, reliability, and clarity every family deserves,” says Serhii Zatsarynin, the OVUL’s CEO.

For more information about OVUL, contact info@ovul.ai or call us 763-341-4692

OVUL is committed to providing innovative and reliable fertility tracking solutions that empower women to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. By combining advanced technology with proven scientific methods, OVUL offers a simple and effective way to monitor fertility and achieve pregnancy goals. For more information, visit ovul.ai



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