“2024 Employee Happiness Trends In The US,” Report Released By Kudoboard, Underscores The Value Of Recognizing Employees

98% of respondents say they’d work harder and be happier if they felt more appreciated, and 97% agreed that receiving recognition has more impact than givers anticipate.


(Graphic: Business Wire)

DENVER--()--Kudoboard, the globally adopted online appreciation platform with tens of millions of users across various companies, has released its annual "2024 Employee Happiness Trends in the US" report. This comprehensive analysis, utilizing the latest research and proprietary survey data, examines the transformative challenges and opportunities encountered by the workforce. Moreover, it explores the profound influence of gratitude and recognition on employee connection to predict emerging workplace trends for 2024, providing insights into the evolving role of technology in shaping workplace culture.

The survey, conducted among a diverse group of nearly 600 professionals across Fortune 500 organizations and beyond, yielded remarkable insights. An overwhelming majority, 98%, believed that individuals would work harder and be happier if they felt more appreciated, underscoring the importance of recognizing and valuing employees' contributions. Additionally, 97% of respondents agreed that receiving recognition has a more substantial impact than givers initially anticipated. This statistic reveals the underestimated potential of appreciation to motivate and inspire employees.

The survey also shed light on most companies' prevailing undervaluation of employee gratitude and appreciation. A staggering 90% of participants reported feeling that organizations underestimate the positive effects of employee gratitude, indicating a significant gap between employee expectations and corporate practices.

“We have always believed in the power of appreciation to transform company culture,” said Aaron Rubens, CEO and Co-founder of Kudoboard. “The report’s findings reaffirm the importance of celebrating employee moments that matter. We are proud to provide innovative tools that enhance employee morale and create a more positive and engaging work environment."

In addition to these insights, the survey identified the top three most significant challenges faced by employees in remote or hybrid work settings: a sense of belonging (78%), communication (68%), and burnout (40%). With over two-thirds of the survey respondents currently working in a hybrid or remote environment, this reinforces the growing trend of flexible work models and the need for effective tools and strategies to support remote and hybrid teams.

The survey also highlighted the positive impact of workplace appreciation tools like Kudoboard on employee happiness, with 95% of respondents seeing an increase in team appreciation, engagement, and productivity when using Kudoboard.

The results of this report strongly indicate the immense impact of appreciation and gratitude on workplace dynamics. Kudoboard's innovative technology has emerged as a game-changer, effectively enhancing team appreciation, engagement, and productivity.

The annual report forecasts upcoming 2024 trends in employee happiness and recognition by examining the latest data across enterprises. The work landscape is still in flux, so enterprises must evolve and invest in culture to maintain a competitive edge. Top-tier market talent will go to organizations that place a premium on employee happiness and work-life balance. The success of in-person, remote, and hybrid work will come down to capitalizing on engagement opportunities. If enterprises build strong cultures of appreciation and lean into the virality of workplace gratitude in 2024, they’ll see success by unlocking productivity, boosting retention rates, and cultivating positive corporate cultures.

The evolution of HR technology, characterized by increased investments in data collection, heightened visibility, and AI utilization, underscores a forecasted shift toward improving organizational health amid the ongoing impact of hybrid work. Employers are expected to refine retention strategies by championing flexible schedules, celebrating employee milestones, and fostering positive virtual cultures that respect work-life balance.


Kudoboard is a platform empowering employees worldwide to celebrate the moments that matter. Organizations use Elevate, by Kudoboard, to celebrate employee milestones, shout-outs, and everything in between – bringing the transformative impact of gratitude and recognition to the workplace. Kudoboard was founded in 2015 and is used by 10,000+ organizations globally, including numerous Fortune 500 customers. With over 10 million users enrolled, the company is continuously inspired by the creative appreciation initiatives companies and employees embark upon using the platform. For more information about Kudoboard, visit www.kudoboard.com.


Candice Stokes


Candice Stokes