Call for Entries: NAREE's 72nd Annual Real Estate Journalism Competition Module Opens Feb. 1

BOCA RATON, Fla.--()--The National Association of Real Estate Editors has issued a call for entries for NAREE's 72nd Annual Journalism Competition.

Deadline: Enter on between Feb. 1 and March 1, 2022, 11:59 p.m. EST. NAREE’s journalism competition is for work published or aired in 2021.

NAREE’s journalism competition is open to reporters, columnists, writers, editors, and freelancers covering commercial and residential real estate, mortgage finance, sustainable development, and related real estate fields, including home building and design.

Competition categories for work with a single byline include Best Collection of Work - Residential Real Estate, Best Collection of Work - Commercial Real Estate, Best Column, Best Economic Analysis, Best Architecture story, Best Interior Design story, and the Kenneth R. Harney Award for Best Consumer Education Reporting.

Categories for individual writers published in a daily or weekly newspaper include Best Residential Real Estate Story, and Best Commercial Real Estate Story.

Three categories are available to magazine writers with a single byline including Best Residential, Mortgage, or Financial Real Estate magazine story.

Teams of journalists and individuals can enter work in Best E-Newsletter, Best Breaking News Story, Best Investigative Report or Series, Best International Real Estate Story and Best Multi-Platform Package or Series. Teams or individuals may enter Best Audio Report or Podcast, and/or Best Video Report.

Publications may enter the Best Newspaper Real Estate or Home Section, Best Home or Shelter Magazine, Best Web Site, or Best Newsletter categories.

All categories are listed on

NAREE's Platinum Award of $1,000 recognizes the Best Overall Individual Entry. The Kenneth R. Harney Award for Best Consumer Education Reporting carries a $1,000 prize. The Best Freelance Collection winner receives $500. The Ruth Ryon Best Young Journalist (age 30 or under) winner and Gold winners in 29 categories receive $250 awards.

Winners will be announced at NAREE's fall conference.

The faculty of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University will judge entries on clarity of writing, objectivity, originality, depth of reporting, and/or graphic design/production.

All professional journalists writing for bona fide independent news outlets, both NAREE members and non-members, may enter.

NAREE, founded in 1929, is a non-profit association of reporters, editors, authors and online journalists.

Mary Doyle-Kimball, NAREE Executive Director: 561-391-3599

Mary Doyle-Kimball, NAREE Executive Director: 561-391-3599