WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SubscriberWise, the nation’s largest issuing CRA for the communications industry and the leading protector of children victimized by identity fraud, announced today the request from company founder David Howe to President Trump to use his influence to lobby Congress to protect U.S. and global citizens from financial harm. The Twitter-based POTUS plea follows a police investigation involving Enterprise-owned National Car Rental at the Southwest Florida Fort Myers International Airport.
According to the risk management organization, the on-the-record admission to police investigators profoundly demonstrates that millions of consumers and visitors to the United States are exposed to increased vulnerability based on this remarkable statement obtained by Lee Port Authority law enforcement detectives and detailed on the official report.
The federally-regulated nationwide issuing CRA is strongly insisting that consumers must be provided full and conspicuous disclosure regarding this never-before-police-documented explanation – along with uniform and predicable standards – to mitigate financial harm, unfair, deceptive, or abusive business practices which have been alleged extensively and which the Florida Attorney General’s Office indicated is the single largest source of consumer complaints in the state annually (specifically consumer complaints against rental car companies in the State of Florida filed with the AG).
Read the related news and view National Car Rental’s stunning explanation contained on the Lee County Port Authority Police report:
About SubscriberWise
SubscriberWise employs enhanced Subscriber Level Segmentation technology to precisely identify credit challenged subscribers to ultra-high achievers to maximize sales and boost profits. By incorporating years of communications performance data and proprietary decision models, including FICO's latest analytic technology (FICO Score 9), SubscriberWise delivers unprecedented predictive power with a fully compliant, score driven decision management system. Combined with Red Flag compliance and operator-controlled rules, SubscriberWise analytics empower CSR's to instantly and accurately respond to payment and credit characteristics with appropriate options for every subscriber. With SubscriberWise, no subscriber request is ever denied because of credit risk factors.