Hemovent Successfully Debuts ExtraCorporeal Life Support (ECLS) Device from its Artificial Lung Platform

AACHEN, Germany--()--Hemovent GmbH announced today that its ECLS device got overwhelmingly enthusiastic clinician feedback at REANIMATE 4, one of the leading-edge endovascular resuscitation conferences, organized by the ED ECMO Project. This event marked the first-ever presentation of the final design for the first application of Hemovent’s artificial lung platform designed for a whole range of applications.

ECLS is also referred to as ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO): the establishment of an artificial external blood circuit with a portable pump and gas exchanger system either as a temporary “artificial lung” for patients whose lungs are so damaged they cannot perform their function, or as a temporary “life support system” where it takes over the heart function in case of acute heart failure.

“Clinicians highly value our new device, the first integrated solution accommodating both gas and blood management,” said Christof Lenz, CEO of Hemovent. “Our technology is designed to offer incomparable mobility as well as facilitate superior performance parameters compared to standard ECMO,” added Lenz. “We have completed the expansion of our manufacturing facility in order to accommodate serial production of our device and are well on schedule to achieve our first-in-man milestone in the second half of 2018.”

“ECMO/ECLS has greatly improved our management of cardiac arrests in our emergency department,” said Zack Shinar, MD, FACEP, an emergency physician in San Diego, Calif., and a co-founder of the ED ECMO Project, the work of three resuscitationists to bring extracorporeal life support to EDs and ICUs around the world. "ECLS is performed via cannulation of femoral vessels. We have found that training the physicians who are treating these arrests in the emergency department and ICU is critical to success. Available research suggests great improvements in neurologically intact survivors with those patients who get ECMO compared to those who do not. The future is to make this technology more portable and compact. We have seen that time to initiation of ECMO is paramount to a patient's survival and portable, easy-to-use machines will decrease this time substantially.”

Hemovent GmbH is an emerging medical device company that has developed the world’s smallest and first self-contained fully portable artificial lungs for ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) /ExtraCorporeal Life Support (ECLS) applications designed to support or replace heart and lung function in the event of cardiac and/or respiratory failure.

CAUTION: The Hemovent ECMO/ ECLS System is under development and not approved for human use yet.


Ronald Trahan Associates
Ronald Trahan, APR, +1-508-816-6730

Release Summary

Hemovent successfully debuts ExtraCorporeal Life Support (ECLS) device from its Artificial Lung platform


Ronald Trahan Associates
Ronald Trahan, APR, +1-508-816-6730