SecurityFirst™ DataKeep™ Protecting Data From Creation to Deletion

Cost-effective, scalable and transparent data-centric protection for companies of any size

RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA, Calif.--()--SecurityFirst, a provider of data-centric cyber solutions, announces the launch and immediate availability of DataKeep, an advanced data-centric security software solution. DataKeep is highly scalable and designed to address the growing risks of a network breach, and the mandate to protect data beyond basic encryption.

“High-profile breaches such as Target, HBO and Equifax are stark reminders of the risks associated with poor data protection. Our goal is to allow companies of any size to keep their data secure and private where it resides, regardless of volume and irrespective of network security,” said Jim Varner, CEO of SecurityFirst. “DataKeep eliminates any excuses not to encrypt data. Companies no longer need to waste time and money isolating sensitive data. Now they can protect everything.”

DataKeep is a data-centric security software solution comprised of a management console and easy-to-deploy encryption agents. DataKeep enables advanced, accelerated encryption at scale, protecting data from the source of creation in the OS all the way through, and including, data storage, regardless of whether data resides on-premises, in the cloud or in a virtual environment.

Compliance regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) are constantly evolving, applying additional burden on businesses and organizations. Forty-eight states have now defined their own requirements for controlling customer personally identifiable information (PII) and specified breach reporting practices. The European Union's General Data Protection Requirement (GDPR) will have a major impact as it will add considerable regulations and financial penalties when the law takes effect May 2018 for companies around the world.

“The mandate for serious data protection is here and now. Compliance does not equal security. Too often companies just check the encryption box. However, they quickly realize that where and how encryption is achieved and who has control of the encryption keys determines the effectiveness of protecting data,” added Varner. “Organizations who fail to adequately protect their data and experience a breach are increasingly likely to face heavy regulatory fines. In the case of GDPR, businesses can be fined up to four percent of their annual global turnover or €20 million, and may even be temporarily barred from doing future business until they demonstrate remediation and compliance.”

With DataKeep’s transparent performance and low administrative overheads, companies can quickly achieve:

  • Protection of Everything - DataKeep helps to simplify, automate and remove the barriers to protecting data from creation to deletion by combining a certified encryption module (FIPS 140-2) and cryptographic splitting for strong data protection with access controls, built-in lifecycle and key management and auditable access logging.
  • Time to Value - DataKeep is highly scalable and easy to deploy, integrate and maintain. Thanks to its standards-based interfaces and APIs, it minimizes the constraints on the time, staff and budgetary resources needed to protect all data while avoiding the risk of missing critical data.
  • Risk Avoidance - Organizations can more easily meet compliance, protect their brand, minimize financial impact and reduce the risks associated with data loss and misuse through DataKeep’s pervasive audit event logging, security and policy-defined access permissions and controls.
  • Complete Control - Beyond encryption, DataKeep provides organizations with detailed visibility and control regardless of data location. DataKeep offers role-based access control, privileged access management and separation of duties to prevent any one person or service provider from having complete system control.

Available now, DataKeep is the next generation of truly secure data-centric protection. For more information or a demo, visit

About SecurityFirst

SecurityFirst provides innovative and affordable software solutions that protect one of the world’s most valuable assets – digital data. SecurityFirst specializes in data-centric cyber solutions that provide cryptographic splitting across a range of security options for robust data security and policy-defined access controls – all intended to meet the growing mandate for data privacy. DataKeep software delivers controlled access to data to track unauthorized activity regardless of the data location, and protects any data from being exposed in the event of a breach by rendering it useless to hackers.


For Security First Corp.
PR Contact:
Brian Blank, 415-989-9803
Security First Corp.
Janine Wald, 714-330-3153
Director of Marketing


For Security First Corp.
PR Contact:
Brian Blank, 415-989-9803
Security First Corp.
Janine Wald, 714-330-3153
Director of Marketing