Worldcom PR Group Launches New Online Tool to Test Communications Performance

  • First in a series of free tools designed to help client deliver more effective communications
  • Immediate results highlight communications strengths as well as possible “blind spots”
  • Ideal for CMOS, CCOs, or anyone else leading or managing a brand’s communications efforts, to get a quick, objective analysis of their communications program

LONDON--()--Worldcom Public Relations Group, a global partnership of 86 independent communications consultancies, launches today its first online Communications Assessment Tool. The tool enables organizations to carry out a self-assessment of their current communications performance. It is ideal for CMOS, CCOs, or anyone else leading or managing a brand’s communications efforts, to get a quick, objective analysis of their communications program. It will reinforce areas of strength and highlight areas of opportunity or improvement.

The free, online tool tests ten areas essential for effective communications. These include topics such as Crisis Communications, Social Media Strategy, Employee Engagement, and more. The easy-to-use tool provides companies the opportunity to review their current situation. The answers produce a score and identify where the organization may need to improve. The tool also prompts the respondent to identify an improvement target. Worldcom will then remind the company concerned to carry out a further test after three months.

Managing Director, Todd Lynch, said: “Worldcom is committed to helping organizations deliver outstanding communications. This free tool enables companies to identify strengths as well as blind-spots in their communications strategy. It also encourages organizations to make a commitment to improve and then to measure for improvement by using the tool a second time. Although a simple tool, we believe it will encourage companies to ensure their efforts always deliver valuable outcomes by aligning the communications strategy with the business strategy.”

The tool can be completed at

Tiinu Wuolio, the Worldcom partner who designed the tool, said: “As the world of communications is changing so fast, it’s important to have a simple tool to validate what you are doing right and identifying areas where you could get even more out of your program.”

About Worldcom Public Relations Group

Worldcom Public Relations Group utilizes a trusted global partnership of independent firms to help clients create the perfect solution to any PR challenge or opportunity, regardless of geography, industry or discipline required. Worldcom’s independently owned public relations firms boast 132 offices in 113 cities on six continents, 2,000+ total employees, and combined revenues of more than $273 million in 2016. Whether seeking a single firm or creating the ideal solution/team through a collaboration of Worldcom partners, brands have access to seasoned professionals dedicated to providing creative, strategic solutions that deliver results. Our firms deliver immediate impact and sustained results. They provide agility, strong media and local influencer relationships, deep industry and discipline experience and the knowledge and willingness to provide thoughtful, objective, results-driven counsel. Learn more about Worldcom at or call Todd Lynch at 1-800-955-9675.

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Worldcom Public Relations Group
Media contact:
Todd Lynch, 904-233-0123

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Worldcom Public Relations Group
Media contact:
Todd Lynch, 904-233-0123