Quit Tea Enables Smokers to Succeed with New Year’s Resolutions

Breaking the habit loop helps people quit for good, naturally

GREENWICH, Conn.--()--According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 7 out of 10 U.S. smokers want to quit.1 Quitting smoking tops the list of New Year’s resolutions every year, and this year Quit Tea offers an effective, natural means to quit smoking by helping to break the habit loop. This proven, natural method replaces the habit of smoking with drinking herbal tea, which addresses the psychological patterns associated with smoking.

“As a former smoker and healthcare analyst, I studied smoking cessation, and learned that in order to successfully quit, I needed to tackle the behavioral aspect of smoking that caused me to reach for a cigarette,” said Matt Bucklin, president of The Quit Company LLC. “I started drinking a cup of herbal tea every time I would normally smoke, and after a month I found my cravings were gone. This led me to want to develop Quit Tea, so that I could help other smokers quit for good.”

Quit Tea helps replace the habit of smoking with the ritual of preparing and drinking herbal tea – known as the Substitution Strategy – which provides a break from daily activities and keeps hands and mouth busy. Quit Tea contains a natural, non-addictive blend of herbs formulated to promote relaxation, improve lung health, detoxify the body and help to temporarily support willpower to get through cravings and form a new healthy habit.

Quit Tea is the #1 selling alternative on Amazon.com and Drugstore.com. In addition, Quit Tea is available at Whole Foods Markets in the North Atlantic region (Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Central Connecticut), as well as more than 200 independent natural foods supermarkets and pharmacies throughout the U.S., and nationally online at http://www.quittea.com.

About The Quit Company, LLC

Based in Greenwich, Conn., The Quit Company, LLC develops products designed to help people quit smoking for good, based on behavioral modification principles of quitting smoking. Quit Tea is an herbal supplement intended to help replace the habit of smoking with drinking herbal tea by temporarily supporting willpower, detoxifying the body, improving lung health, and more. http://www.quittea.com

1 http://www.cdc.gov/features/smokingcessation/


Thrive Communications
Jen Markus, 303-641-6796


Thrive Communications
Jen Markus, 303-641-6796