BRUSSELS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The two recently launched ECSEL Joint Undertaking calls invite project proposals combining funding from the regional investments for growth and jobs and “Horizon 2020”, the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, for which the European Union budgeted over 40 Billion euro in 2014. The condition: the regional Smart Specialization Strategy and the Operational Programme priority axis must converge with the ECSEL Multi Annual Strategy Plan, following the Guide "Enabling synergies between European Structural and Investment Funds, Horizon 2020 and other research, innovation and competitiveness-related Union programmes" recently published by the European Commission.
Andreas Wild, ECSEL Executive Director, said: “Our initiative will demonstrate feasibility and derive benefits even if it can address a rather small portion of the available funding. Combining funding will increase the public contributions commensurate with the strong engagement and growing ambition of the industry, building synergies and enhancing the impact of the programme.”
Earlier this year, the research and innovation actors submitted 76 expressions of interest to engage 3.3 Billion euro in future ECSEL projects advancing the state of the art and enabling effective solutions to current and future societal challenges.
The Guide for Applicants available on the ECSEL website and on the Horizon 2020 Participants Portal explains how to include combined funding in the submission templates. Full Project Proposals are due by 17 September 2014. The ECSEL grants shall be decided before the end of the year; the regional contributions can be decided later on.
The “Electronic Components and Systems for
European Leadership” (ECSEL) is a Joint Undertaking under Art. 187 of
the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union; it is established
by the Council Regulation (EU) No 561/2014 that entered into power on 27
June 2014. It is a public-private partnership contributing to the
implementation of the European “Horizon 2020” programme. In the period
2014-2020 ECSEL will engage up to 1.17 billion euro Union funding and
combine it with at least the same amount of national/regional funding to
leverage about 5 billion euro R&D investments in nanoelectronics,
embedded and cyber-physical systems, and system integration
technologies. The R&D actors are represented by the associations AENEAS,
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