UANI Applauds Members of Congress for Insisting on Role in Defining Parameters of any Iran Nuclear Agreement

UANI Has Called for Congressional Debate to Define Essential Principles that Must Underpin Nuclear Agreement with Iran

NEW YORK--()--Today, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) applauded a bipartisan group of 344 members of the House of Representatives for urging President Obama to engage in "greater consultation with Congress" on any final nuclear agreement with Iran.

The bipartisan group, led by U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), the Committee's Ranking Member, stresses that "greater cooperation between Congress and the Executive Branch is essential, given that any permanent sanctions relief demands congressional approval."

Support for such Congressional involvement has grown since UANI first made its call in October 2013 requesting that the U.S. Congress take up debate on the principles that ought to underpin a nuclear agreement with Iran.

Said UANI CEO, Ambassador Mark D. Wallace:

We applaud Ed Royce, Eliot Engel, and their 342 other colleagues for insisting that Congress must be actively involved in defining the parameters of an acceptable deal with Iran. Given the historic consequence of a potential nuclear agreement with Iran it is vitally important that the Congress be involved. Moreover, Congress plays an active and vital role in imposing sanctions on Iran and Congress would be central to any sanctions relief.

An October 31 letter to President Obama and Congress, signed by Ambassador Wallace, UANI President Gary Samore and UANI Advisory Board members Joseph Lieberman and Fran Townsend stated that: "Given the historic consequence of a potential rapprochement with Iran and the terms of a potential nuclear agreement, it is vitally important that the U.S. once again speaks with a united voice."

In a November 14 Op-Ed for Politico Magazine, "How to Stare Down Iran," Ambassador Wallace argued that involvement "is quite an appropriate role for Congress to play, given its authority in passing, lifting and potentially increasing sanctions against the Islamic Republic."

On January 28, Ambassador Wallace testified before the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee regarding the implementation of the Geneva agreement. Said Ambassador Wallace: "I respectfully implore you all to say what are your red lines on enrichment, on the heavy water reactor, and the like. ... Six months from the adoption of the interim agreement, this Congress should make clear that Iran will face the most robust sanctions in history."

Click here to read UANI's Politico Magazine Op-Ed.
Click here to read UANI's October 31 letter to President Obama and Congress.
Click here to read UANI's February 24 press release.
Click here to read Ambassador Wallace's January 28 testimony before Congress.


Gabriel Pedreira, 212-554-3296

Release Summary

UANI Applauds Members of Congress for Insisting on Role in Defining Parameters of any Iran Nuclear Agreement


Gabriel Pedreira, 212-554-3296