Acxiom Disrupts Conventional Marketing Models with New Audience Operating System (AOS)

First of its kind cloud-based platform puts the world’s best data and insights at marketers’ fingertips to deliver true 1:1 marketing at scale and revolutionize customer experiences

NEW YORK--()--Acxiom® (Nasdaq: ACXM), the leading enterprise data, analytics and software-as-a-service company, today introduced a new way for marketers, agencies and publishers to define, manage and reach best audiences across online and offline channels. Acxiom Audience Operating System™ (AOS) is unique because it enables marketers to connect all types of traditionally disconnected data and – for the first time – to create a truly singular view of the consumer. AOS derives better insights to help marketers more clearly understand their audiences and more accurately anticipate what will appeal to them. This creates more effective marketing campaigns and ultimately, happier consumers.

“Consumers are being bombarded by irrelevant advertising at every turn. This isn’t the result of marketers having too little data. Rather, it’s because marketers are drowning in too much data – data that’s disconnected and siloed, creating disconnected experiences,” said Scott Howe, Acxiom’s President and CEO. “Today, for the first time in history through Acxiom AOS & our AOS-Authorized partner applications, marketers are able to fully leverage all kinds of data – first-party, transactional, digital, social, mobile and other audience information – to provide more meaningful and relevant experiences for their customers and prospects. Acxiom is on a mission to end advertising waste and noise, and AOS is the answer.”

AOS is comprised of three key layers that enable 1:1 marketing at scale:

  • The Data Layer – allowing marketers to ingest and unify virtually any type of data - structured, unstructured, 1st-party CRM, third-party data source, and Acxiom’s world class consumer data – making the world’s most powerful marketing data accessible in one place via a click.
  • The Audience Operations Layer – enabling that data to be cleansed, matched and contextualized to provide actionable insights about real people – insights that can then be activated across channels and media buys.
  • The Applications Layer activating a growing roster of trusted development partners to create innovative and game-changing AOS–Approved Apps customized to meet any marketing need. Because of its extensibility, AOS makes it possible to create virtually any application a marketer can imagine.

“The true mark of sophistication is simplicity, and the lack of it has been a critical impediment to enabling Big Data to deliver game-changing value,” said Phil Mui, Acxiom’s Chief Product and Engineering Officer. “That ends today with AOS, a platform that is able to ingest data from everywhere and apply it to targeted audiences anywhere through an intuitive, unified interface. Importantly, AOS is absolutely privacy compliant and keeps privacy promises made to consumers by us, advertisers, publishers and all participants in this ecosystem. We have designed solutions that re-create machine logic and meaningful algorithms that are so easy to use, anyone can leverage them to quickly derive transformative insights. And we purposefully rejected a closed, vertically integrated solution stack in favor of secure yet open APIs that allow trusted partners to innovate with us and capitalize on the wisdom and energy of the ecosystem. With AOS, we never intended to build a better mousetrap. Instead, we chose to breed a world-class cat.”

Acxiom AOS comes pre-loaded with a set of Acxiom’s foundational applications specifically tuned to enable marketers to derive immediate value. These powerful but easy to use tools include:

  • Acxiom Audience Architect – A “one-stop shop” to acquire, enhance and reach audiences
  • Acxiom Cross-Channel Planner – The power tool for audience assembly and media planning – and a single planning tool for all channels
  • Campaign Optimizer – A “next best offer” recommendation & optimization simulator and engine that takes the guesswork out of marketing
  • Acxiom AOS Analytics - Rich Big Data visualizations made easy—including campaigns, audiences & channels
  • Acxiom Technical Tools – Deeply integrated tools including SmartLink Manager (cross channel links and QR codes) and AbiliTag Manager (web page tracking tags).

Beyond the pre-loaded apps, AOS provides an open yet highly secure and privacy-compliant way for trusted development partners to connect, leverage and add to its value. Already companies including Adometry, AdSlot, Aditive, CrowdTwist, IDInteract, Integrate, Martini Media and MediaMath are introducing AOS-Approved apps, and the roster of trusted partners and apps will continue to expand significantly over time to create a comprehensive ecosystem built around AOS.

“The objective of Acxiom’s AOS – creating interoperability and efficiency for digital marketers – is fully aligned with MediaMath’s goals to maximize marketing effectiveness through an open technology platform,” said Joe Zawadzki, MediaMath CEO. “Our partnership enables marketers to utilize the new AOS platform to create targeted audience segments and then reach those audiences across the MediaMath ecosystem, achieving true cross-channel execution in a seamless way.”

By creating a cloud-based platform and expanding its capabilities with trusted partner solutions, AOS is designed to address the marketing industry’s biggest challenges both now and going forward. It puts the best data, audience insights, and applications at marketers’ fingertips to accelerate planning and deliver results like never before.

For more about AOS, please visit

About Acxiom Acxiom is an enterprise data, analytics and software-as-a-service Company that uniquely fuses trust, experience and scale to fuel data-driven results. For over 40 years, Acxiom has been an innovator in harnessing the most important sources and uses of data to strengthen connections between people, businesses and their partners. Utilizing a channel and media neutral approach, we leverage cutting-edge, data-oriented products and services to maximize customer value. Every week, Acxiom powers more than a trillion transactions that enable better living for people and better results for our 7,000+ global clients. For more information about Acxiom, visit

Acxiom is a registered trademark of Acxiom Corporation.


Ines Gutzmer, 404-434-0237
Corporate Communications


Ines Gutzmer, 404-434-0237
Corporate Communications