Mark Weinberger becomes EY Global Chairman and CEO

  • Building a better working world adopted as purpose
  • EY adopted as global brand name
  • New logo unveiled

Mark Weinberger, EY Chairman and CEO (Photo: Business Wire)

LONDON--()--EY announced today that Mark Weinberger has become Global Chairman and CEO. The professional services organization also announced the adoption of EY as its global brand name, unveiled a new logo and adopted Building a better working world as its purpose.

Mark, 51, has had a distinguished career with a track record of leadership both inside and outside of EY. Mark has previously served as the Global and Americas Head of Tax and on the Global and Americas Executive. He has been a senior advisory partner for many of EY’s largest clients and also served on the Global Markets Executive and Global Public Policy Committees. Mark was the Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury (Tax Policy) under President George W. Bush and he was appointed to the US Social Security Advisory Board by President Clinton.

Mark says, “It is a privilege to lead this great organization in these dynamic times and I’m looking forward to tackling the challenges ahead. EY has a proud history that stretches back more than a century. Over that time we have forged our reputation based on quality, trust and integrity. We are building on our history and our reputation to create our future.”

Building a better working world

From today Building a better working world will serve as both EY’s purpose and our tagline, becoming central to our brand.

Mark comments, “Every day, every EY person is part of building a better working world – for our clients, our communities, and our families. We believe that everything we do – every audit, every tax return, every advisory opportunity, every interaction with a client or colleague – contributes to building a better working world.

“We know that building a better working world is an ambitious objective but it is an incredibly important aspiration and will be front and center of everything we do as an organization.”

Mark continues, “In a better working world trust increases, so capital flows smoothly and investors make informed decisions. Businesses grow sustainably, employment rises, consumers spend and businesses invest in their communities. More than just growth, a better working world harnesses and develops talent in all its forms and encourages collaboration.

“We understand our obligation to look beyond our self interest and engage with the world. We use our global reach and our relationships with clients, governments and other stakeholders to create positive change. We do this through who we are and what we stand for and most importantly we back it up by how we act.”

Our values

Our values define who we are.

As Mark explains, “Our values are the fundamental beliefs of our organization and remain the bedrock of our culture. They are one of the most important sources of our organizational strength. We encourage and expect our people to demonstrate integrity, respect and teaming, have the energy, enthusiasm and courage to lead and build relationships based on doing the right thing.”

Simplifying our name and redesigning our logo

At the same time, EY is taking the opportunity to simplify its name and redesign its logo.

As Mark explains, “From 1 July we will be called EY. Shortening our name will provide consistency and ease of use for EY practices and clients around the world. We have also redesigned our logo, reflecting our new brand name clearly in the design. Our new brand name and logo demonstrate clearly and boldly who we are and reflect the goal we have recently set ourselves to be the number one brand in our profession.”

Thank you to Jim Turley

Mark concludes, “I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of all the people of EY to express our heartfelt appreciation to our outgoing Chairman and CEO Jim Turley, for everything he has done for our profession over the last 12 years as Chairman and CEO, and for his 36 years of service to EY. I am committed to build on the strong foundation he has created.”


Notes to editors

Mark Weinberger’s biography and photograph are available on request. The new EY logo is attached.

About EY

EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

EY refers to the global organization and may refer to one or more of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit

This news release has been issued by EYGM Limited, a member of the global EY organization that also does not provide any services to clients.


Will White, +44 20 7980 0146
Director of Global Media Relations

Release Summary

EY announced today that Mark Weinberger has become Global Chairman and CEO.


Will White, +44 20 7980 0146
Director of Global Media Relations