Zix Corporation Unveils BYOD Solution to Maintain User Privacy and Control, While Securing Corporate Assets

ZixOne manages email access, not the device; new approach solves BYOD challenges to satisfy security, compliance and employee needs

DALLAS--()--Zix Corporation (ZixCorp), (Nasdaq: ZIXI), a leader in email data protection, has introduced ZixOneTM, the first bring-your-own-device (BYOD) mobile email app to solve the diverging needs of protecting corporate data in email, while allowing employees to maintain privacy and control of their personal devices.

BYOD describes the increasing trend of employees using their personal devices to conduct work and access corporate data. Unlike other BYOD solutions, ZixOne meets the users’ desire to keep corporate IT away from their devices while giving IT the ability to secure content and meet compliance needs. With seamless access to work email in a secure, simple-to-use environment, employees can stay productive while preserving device independence. A BYOD solution that is acceptable to employees solves one of today’s greatest IT management challenges.

“Many organizations have learned from bring your own device (BYOD) projects that the success or failure of IT choices hinges upon user acceptance of the solution and whether it's perceived as having a productive and pleasant user experience,” said Trent Henry, Vice President, Identity and Security for Gartner, Inc.1

Accessing corporate email on personal devices poses the greatest security risk among all mobile business applications because of its frequent use on devices that were not built for enterprise operations. Forrester Research estimates 78 percent of all U.S. active email users will access their email through mobile email clients by 2017.2

“Never allowing corporate email to reside on a personal device is the most secure way to manage business data,” said, Rick Spurr, ZixCorp’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer “Risk is eliminated because companies do not have to manage thousands of email and attachment copies, since they never leave corporate control. For IT managers and compliance officers, ZixOne relieves the tremendous burden BYOD has placed on their organizations.”

ZixOne delivers email data protection in the form of a mobile app that enables corporate email access without allowing the data to reside on an employee’s personal device where it has greater potential for compromise. This approach provides a secure mobile email environment that is familiar and acceptable to mobile users. If the device is lost or stolen, ZixOne can simply disable access to corporate email from that device.

Recognizing that a simple user experience is essential to employee acceptance, ZixOne combines a familiar look and feel for the interface with greater speed and security. After entering a passcode, employees read, compose, reply and forward corporate email as usual. Their business calendar and contacts remain intact and are accessible through the app. In addition, employees instantly view attachments from the exchange server, instead of the usual delay created from the whole attachment being downloaded to their device.

ZixOne is currently in beta testing with ZixCorp customers that represent a variety of industries, including financial services, insurance, healthcare and government.

“Our beta customers have given us the same response across the board – ‘We’re glad Zix is tackling the BYOD problem.’ It’s a reflection of the opportunity we have as an established security company to fill a void in the BYOD market with a truly effective solution – one that’s easy for employees yet keeps data secure and off the device,” said Nigel Johnson, Vice President of Business Development & Product Management. “The beta version has received only positive reviews so far. We look forward to releasing the commercial version and becoming a key player in the BYOD market place.”

To protect corporate data on mobile devices, businesses currently have two primary solutions – mobile device management (MDM) and containerization. Neither solution fully meets the needs of business, leaving data vulnerable on the device. In addition, MDM solutions violate employee privacy while containerization does not offer employees the convenience they demand.

ZixCorp’s established leadership in securing email positions the company to deliver a trusted BYOD solution. The company has gained the trust of the nation's most influential organizations by providing easy-to-use, reliable secure email solutions for more than 15 years. ZixCorp Email Encryption is used by all U.S. federal financial regulators, the SEC, FINRA, divisions of the U.S. Treasury, one in every five U.S. banks, more than 30 Blue Cross Blue Shield organizations and one in every five hospitals.

ZixOne is scheduled for commercial availability on Sept. 3, 2013, and will be priced per employee (instead of per device). For additional information on ZixOne, please visit zixcorp.com/byod or contact sales at 214-370-2215 or info@zixcorp.com.

About Zix Corporation

ZixCorp is a leader in email data protection. ZixCorp offers industry-leading email encryption, a unique email DLP solution and an innovative email BYOD solution to meet your company’s data protection and compliance needs. ZixCorp is trusted by the nation’s most influential institutions in healthcare, finance and government for easy to use secure email solutions. ZixCorp is publicly traded on the Nasdaq Global Market under the symbol ZIXI, and its headquarters are in Dallas, Texas. For more information, visit www.zixcorp.com.

1. “How to Achieve Single Sign-On With Mobile Devices.” Gartner Research. March 2013.
2. “Email Marketing Forecast, 2012-2017.” Forrester Research. October 2012.

Statements about the anticipated commercial availability of ZixOne are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements are based upon information available to ZixCorp on the date this release was issued. ZixCorp undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Any forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from the events or results described in the forward-looking statements, including risks or uncertainties related to implementation and acceptance of new products and services. ZixCorp may not succeed in addressing these and other risks. Further information regarding factors that could affect ZixCorp financial and other results can be found in the risk factors section of ZixCorp's most recent filing on Form 10-K with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Taylor Stansbury, 214-370-2134

Release Summary

ZixOne solves BYOD challenges to satisfy security, compliance and employee needs.


Taylor Stansbury, 214-370-2134