RENAC: Ukrainian Decision Makers to Get the Know How on Improving Energy Efficiency

BERLIN--()--Starting on the 18th of February, Ukrainian political and business decision-makers will be able to attend the “Training in Energy Efficiency” (TrEff) programme. This international programme is being offered by the Renewables Academy (RENAC), based in Germany. Running under the umbrella branding of "Energy Efficiency - made in Germany", the project is being sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) as part of its Energy Efficiency Export Initiative.

A first series of seminars, supported by the German General Consulate, will be held in Donezk from 18 - 22 February 2013 and will focus on “Energy Efficiency in Industry and Commerce”. At a second seminar in May 2013 in Odessa, issues around "Energy efficiency in buildings" will take centre stage. In addition, online training and an advanced series of seminars in Berlin in autumn 2013 will be offered. All TrEff seminars bring perspectives as to how the local economy can be boosted by the development of energy efficiency technologies, and likewise how the international competitiveness of local enterprises can be enhanced. "Through the TrEff - programme we can consolidate and expand the knowledge of representatives from the relevant institutions and government authorities about energy efficiency technologies, so that the existing potential for energy conservation in Kazakhstan can be realised and the desired national energy policy objectives achieved.", explains Nizov Igor Vladimirovitsch director of the Head office for the Development of fundamental industrial branches, Energetics and Energy Efficiency of the regional state administration of Donezk.

There is a substantial potential for energy saving in the Ukraine. The Ukraine government has set a target of a reduction in energy consumption of 20% by 2015. The Donezk regional government has in particular chosen to use the potential for energy saving. Some companies in this industry and coal region have already installed energy management systems, or have this on their agenda.

The TrEff project has developed out of the TREE project (Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency). TREE was launched as one of RENAC’s training programmes in 2008, and had its focus on renewable energies. To date, participants in politics and business from 51 countries have been trained worldwide. The Ukraine has been RENAC’s partner since 2011.

Further Information:


Renewables Academy
Anja Haupt
Tel.: +49 (0)30 52 689 58 73

Release Summary

Starting on the 18th of February, Ukrainian decision-makers will be able to attend the international "Training in Energy Efficiency" (TrEff) programme, offered by the Renewables Academy.


Renewables Academy
Anja Haupt
Tel.: +49 (0)30 52 689 58 73