WSIS Forum 2012 Concludes

UAE delegation at WSIS 2012 (Photo: Business Wire)

WSIS Forum 2012

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates--()--The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2012 concludes today in Geneva, Switzerland on a high note for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) delegation that partook in the five-day international event. The UAE demonstrated its commitment to the objectives of the WSIS by participating for a second consecutive year as the strategic partner at the event.

“The UAE’s strategic partnership at the WSIS Forum 2012 is a testament to our dedication and sincerity to successfully implement the action lines defined by the WSIS on a national level in order to take part in the overall objective of digital inclusion on a worldwide scale. The UAE took the opportunity to discuss some of its significant achievements and success stories with regard to fulfilling these action lines in a country workshop and in two separate thematic workshops. The UAE WSIS National Committee has published a report of Success Stories detailing and explaining its achievements in this regard representing a clear indication of the level of depth and expanse we have put into building our national community and infrastructure with the aim to develop the ICT sector,” commented HE Mohammed Nasser Al Ghanim, UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) Director General and Chairman of the WSIS UAE National Committee.

The Success Stories report outlines the UAE’s various achievements on eGovernment; educational initiatives such as Ankabut and Hamdan bin Mohammed e-University (HBMeU); open data; Emirates ID Authority; security with regard to cyber security and police work; child protection; environmental initiatives; and humanitarian causes through Dubai Cares in addition to many other programs. While the UAE illustrated much of the country’s success relating to the WSIS action lines, there is still a task ahead in order to complete and implement further advances in time for the International Telecommunication Union global review set to take place in 2015.

“In just a few years, the ITU will review our work, and we will see where we stand as a nation. Our annual report reflecting achievement from last year indicates that we have advanced with leaps and bounds according to the UN eGovernment Survey 2012; a direct result of our tireless efforts to bring forth the necessary change and adopt the principles and plans paramount to fulfilling our intended goals,” he added. “The UAE’s WSIS National Committee looks forward with optimism and enthusiasm at the task that we still have left to action. We are motivated by our current solid position nationally among our community and peers, our leading regional position, and now our developing strong international reputation as another added incentive to continue our drive with vigor.”

This year’s event saw the WSIS Projects Prizes 2012 in which nations that have achieved noteworthy advances were recognized for outstanding achievements. The awards were put in place to help nations gauge their standing among the international audience, and were given the opportunity to benchmark from the intelligence gained from the success of others.

The WSIS 2012 Forum was organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the United Nations Conference of Trade & Development (UNCTAD) and aims to create a worldwide society in which developed and developing nations can equally have access to internet and other ICT advantages in order to augment their societies and create a better quality of life for the international community in its entirety.

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*Source: ME NewsWire

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Huda Al Mutawa, Manager, Corporate Communications, +971-2-611-8250

Release Summary

WSIS Forum 2012 Concludes


Huda Al Mutawa, Manager, Corporate Communications, +971-2-611-8250