Barnes & Tops Customer Satisfaction Survey

Barnes & Ranked the Number One Online Retailer in Customer Satisfaction in the Book, Music and Video Category and Top 10 Online Retailer Overall in Customer Satisfaction According to ForeSee E-Retail Satisfaction Index (Spring Top 100 Edition)

NEW YORK--()--Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE: BKS), the leading retailer of content, digital media and educational products, today announced that Barnes & is the number one online retailer in customer satisfaction in the Books, Music and Video Category according to the ForeSee E-Retail Satisfaction Index (Spring Top 100 Edition). Barnes & is also ranked a Top 10 Online Retailer overall in customer satisfaction among all companies surveyed.

“Providing our customers with the highest quality service in all aspects of their interactions with us is the number one priority at Barnes & We are proud to receive the top rankings in the survey and thank our customers for this recognition,” said Dan Gilbert, executive vice president of operations and customer service, Barnes & Noble. “Barnes & Noble offers our customers and millions of NOOK® users the premier online destination for all books, media and digital products and services. We constantly strive to ensure that has the best and most innovative content and products to meet our customers’ needs.”

The report, which is based on almost 21,000 responses from customers of the top 100 retail sites, gave an overall score of 82 in customer satisfaction – notably higher than the average score of 78 – which places the customer experience firmly in the Top 10 of the largest 100 e-retailers in the US.

The Spring Top 100 edition of the ForeSee E-Retail Satisfaction Index is an analysis of customer satisfaction with the top 100 online retailers in the United States. The list of the top 100 e-retailers is determined by the 2012 Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide. This revealing report allows for year-over-year comparisons of both industry average satisfaction and satisfaction with individual retailers. ForeSee’s customer satisfaction ratings are done using the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) methodology, and scores of 80 or higher on ForeSee's 100-point scale are considered superior customer satisfaction performances. features more than 2.5 million digital titles in the ever-growing NOOK Bookstore™. Through Barnes & Noble’s NOOK® eReading product offering, customers can buy and read digital books, content and media on the widest range of platforms, including the award-winning line of NOOK devices.

In addition, Barnes & Noble offers online customers an incredible array of content, with more than one million physical titles available for immediate delivery across the U.S. – more than any other online bookseller. And it’s not only about books; has a DVD & Blu-ray Store, a Music Store, a Toy & Game Store, a PC & Video Games Store and a Home & Gift Store.

About ForeSee

As a pioneer in customer experience analytics, ForeSee continuously measures satisfaction across customer touch points and delivers critical insights on where to prioritize improvements for maximum impact. Because ForeSee’s superior technology and proven methodology connect the customer experience to the bottom line, executives and managers are able to drive future success by confidently optimizing the efforts that will achieve business and brand objectives. The result is better business for companies and a better experience for consumers. Visit us at for customer experience solutions and original research.

About Barnes & Noble, Inc.

Barnes & Noble, Inc. (NYSE:BKS), the world's largest bookseller and a Fortune 500 company, operates 691 bookstores in 50 states. Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Barnes & Noble, also operates 641 college bookstores serving over 4.6 million students and faculty members at colleges and universities across the United States. Barnes & Noble conducts its online business through (, one of the Web's largest e-commerce sites, which also features more than two million titles in its NOOK Bookstore™ ( Through Barnes & Noble’s NOOK™ eReading product offering, customers can buy and read digital books and content on the widest range of platforms, including NOOK devices, partner company products, and the most popular mobile and computing devices using free NOOK software. Barnes & Noble is proud to be named a J.D. Power and Associated 2012 Customer Service Champion and is only one of 50 U.S. companies so named. Barnes & is ranked the number one online retailer in customer satisfaction in the book, music and video category and a Top 10 online retailer overall in customer satisfaction according to ForeSee E-Retail Satisfaction Index (Spring Top 100 Edition).

General information on Barnes & Noble, Inc. can be obtained via the Internet by visiting the company's corporate website:


Barnes & Noble, Inc.
Mary Ellen Keating, 212-633-3323
Corporate Communications
Barnes & Noble, Inc.
Carolyn J. Brown, 212-633-4062
Corporate Communications


Barnes & Noble, Inc.
Mary Ellen Keating, 212-633-3323
Corporate Communications
Barnes & Noble, Inc.
Carolyn J. Brown, 212-633-4062
Corporate Communications