Orosur Mining Inc. Announces Results for the Third Quarter and Nine Months Ended February 29, 2012

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay--()--Orosur Mining Inc. (“OMI” or “the Company”), today announced results for the third fiscal quarter and the nine months ended February 29, 2012.

Results for the Third Quarter and Nine Months Ended February 29, 2012

Operating and Financial Summary

Key Results Summary1  

Three Months Ended
February 29


Nine Months Ended
February 29

  2012   2011   2012   2011

Operating Results

Gold produced   Ounces   13,668   16,573   38,072   42,086
Average cash operating cost   US$/oz   1,104   483   1,020   669
Average price received   US$/oz   1,691   1,368   1,674   1,304

Financial Results

Revenue   $US ‘000s   26,013   21,618   68,024   56,415
Net income for the period   $US ‘000s   4,954   6,342   11,931   12,652
Cash flow from operations2   $US ‘000s   6,808   9,242   17,031   19,627
Cash at the end of the period   $US ‘000s   15,381   15,331   15,381   15,331
Total Debt at the end of the period   $US ‘000s   6,376   19   6,376   19

1Results are based on IFRS and expressed in US dollars

2Before non-cash working capital movements


David Fowler, Chief Executive Officer said: “I am very pleased with the drill results, which we announced yesterday, from our first pass drill program at Mahoma. They have confirmed historically identified grades and widths on Veta II. Orosur will now expand its drilling programme with the objective of defining a resource during calendar 2012. It is expected that this resource will provide the basis of a feasibility study for mining a total of 25,000 ounces per year. The study will be based on ore being transported, through existing infrastructure, to the San Gregorio mine to minimise capital expenditure and reduce study and permitting time.”

“As we previously announced, production for the quarter was affected by the delay in increasing stope production from Arenal Deeps. To maximise production for the fiscal year, mining from alternative open pit ore sources is being accelerated. This has impacted cash costs for the quarter and fiscal year but maximises cashflow. Stope production is increasing as expected in the 4th quarter and we look forward to Arenal making a more significant contribution to our production profile and lowering cash costs in the coming years.”

Production and costs

Production for the quarter was 13,668 ounces of gold, higher than previous quarters of the current financial year due to the higher grade of ore processed. During the quarter 406,219 tonnes of ore were processed at a grade of 1.12 g/t Au and a recovery of 93.3%. 40,365 tonnes of ore at a grade of 1.56 g/t were produced from development at the Arenal Deeps U/G deposit. This ore was all fed to the plant with the balance coming from open pits and stockpiled ore. The grade mined to date is consistent with the resource model. Ore with a grade of 1.38 g/t was processed during the corresponding quarter of the prior year resulting in higher production of 16,573 ounces.

The mining permit for Arenal Deeps was granted on March 1 and allows ore exploitation from all levels of the Arenal Deeps project. The mine is now fully permitted to operate. All of the mining equipment and personnel necessary to ramp up stope production are now on site and production levels are expected to reach design capacity in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2012. The second tailings storage facility at Orosur’s San Gregorio Operation is completed and awaiting the final permit, expected to be received in April 2012. The closure of the first tailings storage facility is being carried out on a staged basis and is expected to be finally closed over the coming year as the second tailings storage facility is commissioned. The company anticipates a smooth transition between the two facilities with no impact on production.

Cash operating costs per ounce of gold for the quarter were $US 1,104 and $US1,020 year to date compared to $US 483 and $US 669 for the same quarter and nine months of the previous year. The delay in ramping up production at Arenal forced the Company to process lower grade ore resulting in lower ounces produced and increasing cost per ounce produced. The delay in ramping up production at Arenal has impacted cash costs in two ways. Firstly, lower grade ore stockpiles, with an inventory cost included in cash costs, were processed and increased cash costs for the quarter and year to date (approx. $US 3 million). Secondly, as Arenal ore has come from higher cost development tonnes and the company has expensed all mine management costs, the cost per ounce produced increases. The cost per tonne of ore produced from satellite ore pits is higher than the pits processed last year due to the need to transport material to the plant. Costs increases have also resulted from Uruguayan inflation, higher rates for underground development and consumable cost increases. A breakdown of the increase in cash costs is shown in the following table below.

    3rd Quarter   9 Months
Cash Costs 2010/11   483   669
Variance due to        

-- Production and processing lower grade ore stocks.

  258   169
-- Inflation and consumables costs   85   80

-- Greater contribution of ore from higher cost satellite pits and other

  190   43
-- Ramp up of underground   88   59
Cash Cost 2011/12   1,104   1,020

As was noted in our update announcement of 6 March 2012, production for the full fiscal year is expected to be 55,000 to 57,500 ounces. This has been reduced from a target of 57,500 to 60,000 ounces per annum. A delay in receiving the full Arenal Deeps permit, a decision to develop in ore on a 5 x 5 meter basis rather than 5 x 8 meters and a planned reduction in the rate of stope advance due to the need to complete additional infill definition drilling has resulted in an expected shortfall in production from Arenal Deeps of approximately 6,500 ounces. The decision to develop in ore on a 5m x 5m basis rather than a 5m x 8m basis will not affect overall tonnes mined in the inclined room and pillar area as the additional material will be mined during stoping. Mining of open pit material was accelerated to reduce the impact of the shortfall in ore from Arenal. This, together with higher than budgeted fuel, electricity and consumable unit costs, has increased the Company’s cash cost forecast from $US 810 to a range of $US 930 to $US 950 per ounce for the full fiscal year.

Financial Performance

Total sales for the quarter were $US 26.0 million compared to $US 21.6 million for the corresponding period of the previous year. The average gold price for the quarter increased to $US 1,691 per ounce from $US 1,368 in the third quarter of the previous year. For the quarter, after-tax profit decreased to $US 5.0 million compared to a profit of $US 6.3 million in the corresponding period of the prior year. Net profit after tax for the 9 months to 29 February was $11.9 million.

Cash flow from operations includes the result from the San Gregorio operation less the cost of general and administrative expenses, interest and income taxes. During the quarter, cash flow generated from operations before working capital movements was $US 6.8 million compared to $US 9.2 million generated in the corresponding quarter of the previous year.

For the nine month period ended 29 February, 2012, cash flow from operations before working capital movements was $US 17.0 million compared to $US 19.6 million for the corresponding period of the prior year.

Exploration and development expenditure for the quarter was $US 3.7 million compared to $US 2.9 million for the corresponding quarter of the prior year. Exploration and development expenditure for the nine month period amounted to $US 12.5 million compared to $US 7.0 million in the corresponding period of the prior financial year. Purchase of property plant and equipment and development costs for the underground operation was $US 8.6 million for the quarter and $US 26.7 million year to date compared to $US 4.1 million and $US 6.5 million in the corresponding period of the prior financial year.

The Company’s cash position at the end of the quarter was $US 15.4 million, similar to the $US 15.3 million from February 28, 2011.

Exploration and Development

Mahoma (Uruguay)

The Mahoma project is located approximately 130 kilometres from Montevideo and 405 kilometres from the San Gregorio mine in the Florida Greenstone belt. The project area contains four principal gold bearing quartz veins that were previously mined via shallow open pits within granodiorite host rocks. There are additional quartz veins in the area that have not yet been explored.

The four principal veins have been identified as veins I, II, IIB and IV. The II vein is the longest and most consistent that has been historically drilled and mined. It has a drilled strike length of 900 metres and a shallow open pit along 450 metres of its strike length. The main portion of vein II is subvertical and the average true thickness is around 1.7 metres. A second portion of the II vein, is approximately 1,200 metres to the east of the main mineralized lens and it has been drilled for over 700 metres of strike with 220 metres showing continuous mineralization. The width of the second vein varies from 0.2 metres to 3.2 metres with an average width of approximately 1.9 metres. Vein IIB, 300 metres to the south of the II vein, is approximately 550 metres in length and exhibits an average width of 1.5 metres. Vein IV is a thicker quartz vein zone than the other zones but also has a lower grade and a shorter strike length of approximately 250 metres. It has been drilled to only 30 metres from the surface. Vein I comprises a series of short and narrow veins with the average width of these veins being 20 centimetres and the largest vein having a strike length of 100 metres.

The Company has completed 24 drill holes for 1,815 meters from an initial planned drill programme of approximately 3,000 meters. The drill programme is designed to confirm historical drill results for vein I, vein II and vein IIB. This work is expected to be followed by infill drilling to target an initial measured and indicated resource of 250,000 tonnes.

Results for the Mahoma drill programme were announced yesterday, 12 April 2012.

Orosur has held the property since 2009, however, issues with land access had previously prevented exploration. During the second half of 2011 these issues were resolved and exploration is now being conducted.

The Mahoma Project, previously operated by American Resource Corporation, produced 16,419 ounces (73,431 tonnes at 6.98 g/t Au with 91.6 per cent recovery) between 1993 and 1997. A pre-mining non -compliant NI 43-101 probable reserve of 281, 000 tonnes at a diluted grade of 9.36 g/t (15per cent dilution assumed) was estimated by Watts, Griffis and McOuat.

Pantanillo (Chile)

Exploration around new target areas in Pantanillo continued through Q3 2012, with further mapping and rock sampling focused around Pantanillo Central, Quebrada Pantanillo and Oro 52 followed up with the execution of a 2,500 meter RC drill programme in Pantanillo Central and Oro 52. The drill campaign in Pantanillo commenced on 7th March 2012 on drill targets delineated from the results of the 2012 surface campaign. The most significant results from this surface work are seen in Table 1. In addition, positive gold and silver anomalies observed from historical trenching, completed by Anglo-American in Pantanillo Central (see Table 2), helped to add a focus to the drill campaign within this sector. This drilling has the objective of generating a significant tonnage of oxide gold material, to add to the existing 1.05 million ounce gold M&I resource in Pantanillo Norte. The first batch of assay results are expected during April 2012.

Sample Number   Sector   East   North   Ag_ppb   As_ppm   Au_ppb   Cu_ppm   Hg_ppb   Pb_ppm
EX75334   Oro 52   498860   6967211   23   2   68   3   79   5
EX75385   QuebradaPantanillo   497962   6963781   24,389   207   925   15   >50,000   239
EX75386   QuebradaPantanillo   497988   6963772   27,808   155   129   28   32,125   218
EX75387   QuebradaPantanillo   497956   6963764   20,442   729   504   47   20,423   766
EX75388   QuebradaPantanillo   497960   6963754   36,110   225   72   19   21,491   199
EX75437   Pantanillo Central   493529   6962921   4,886   779   597   39   2,984   34
EX75438   Pantanillo Central   493539   6962900   6,648   2,591   580   101   2,363   35
EX75439   Pantanillo Central   493572   6962857   5,222   272   1,646   59   6,507   6
EX75440   Pantanillo Central   493541   6962642   27,858   426   3,054   64   11,272   13

Table 4

The rock sample results reflect the differing styles of mineralization that occur within the Pantanillo district and add weight to the potential for more gold discoveries within Orosur’s Pantanillo license. Results from Oro 52 exhibit anomalous and consistent gold and silver values even though they are that are weaker than those at Pantanillo Central and Quebrada Pantanillo. The conceptual model for Oro 52 is of a porphyry style system similar to that of Pantanillo Norte.

Pantanillo Central exhibits encouraging gold results at surface with moderate to high grade silver and mercury. This high-sulphidation style of mineralization is similar to that observed at Quebrada Pantanillo and together with the high-grade silver results seen in historical trenching done by Anglo-American (see table 5 below), justifies the need to drill test within this sector. To date a total of 1,170m of RC drilling has been completed in 7 holes at Pantanillo Central. The majority of the holes were drilled to a depth of 200m with a dual purpose of intercepting high-sulphidation ledge structures as well as targeting potential a porphyry system at greater depth. Results from Pantanillo Central are still pending.

Trench ID   East_PSAD56   North_PSAD56   Length(m)   Au g/t   Ag g/t
Road Cutting   493740   6963005,4   7   2,37   8,86
Trench T2   493754   6963189,19   3   1,00   2,00
Trench T19   493716   6963207,02   3   1,50   26,00
Trench T19   493747   6963236,87   6   0,83   5,00
Trench T19   493757   6963244,72   4   0,93   2,50
Trench T3   493688   6963267,47   4   0,56   4,50
Trench T37   493826   6963789,16   5   1,06   9,20
Trench T37   493833   6963788,88   3   1,23   2,60
Trench T33   493846   6964275,95   32   0,00   106,20
Trench T33   493841   6964293,22   10   0,00   34,60
Trench T5   493851   6964303,19   29   0,00   82,36
Trench T31   493755   6964311,21   12   0,00   69,50
Trench T6 (E)   493665   6964301,31   7   1,60   29,80

*Table 5. Taken from Anglo-American data, in which they presented only data above cut-off grades 0.5 g/t Au and/or 30 g/t Ag

Mineralization at Quebrada Pantanillo visually appears to be a classic hydrothermally altered high-sulphidation system commonly observed around the peripheries of porphyry systems. This has now been backed-up by the significant surface results in the area with high grade silver-mercury and moderate anomalies of gold. A soil sampling campaign will take place along with the exploration drilling at Quebrada Pantanillo, targeting further potential mineralized areas south and west of Quebrada Pantanillo that are highlighted by intense alunite-kaolinte alteration in Aster® imagery. Hypogenealunite alteration is typically observed throughout the whole of the Maricunga belt, associated with advanced argillic alteration caps that overlay gold bearing porphyry-type stockwork systems. Kinross drilled a combined total of 1,235m diamond and RC holes in Quebrada Pantanillo during their 2006 and 2007 field campaigns. One hole in particular stands out, DDHQP-02, which intercepted 25.9m @ 0.6 g/t Au, between 98-123.9m depth. More significantly, this drill hole was terminated in mineralization, leaving the probability of mineralization being open at depth. Due to time constraints, Quebrada Pantanillo will not be drill tested in this field season, however, it will be a priority drill target for the next campaign expected to start at the end of 2012.

Talca – Chile

As was noted in our announcement of 6 March 2012, a second drill campaign at Talca commenced during Q3. To date 49 holes for 10,259 meters of RC and diamond holes having been completed. Results have been received from 40 holes representing a total of 8,141 meters. Drilling has been conducted in the following sectors

    Drilled in Total   Results Received for
    Meters   Holes   Meters   Holes
Niebla   2,185   11   1,654   9
Metalera   3,367   20   3,367   20
Sur   4,707   18   3,120   11
Total   10,259   49   8,141   40

The second phase of drilling has been focused in part around the Metalera Central but mostly in the Sector Sur sheared quartz-veins, both areas with the most intense historical mining activity. Drilling has been planned to delineate the potential of gold mineralization down dip and along strike from the historical workings, which extend to a maximum of approximately 100m vertical depth from surface. Significant intercepts from the second phase of drilling in conducted during Q3 can be seen in the table below.

Hole ID   Sector   From   To   Intercept


  Metalera   175   180   5m @ 2.70 g/t Au
    178   180   2m @ 5.62 g/t Au
Talca-12-29RC Sector Sur   112   113   1m @ 11.55 g/t Au
  242   244   2m @ 1.15 g/t Au
    247   249   2m @ 1.32 g/t Au
Talca-12-30RC   Sector Sur   85   86   1m @ 16.15 g/t Au
Talca-12-31DDH   Sector Sur   245   246.5   1.5m @ 26.4 g/t Au
Talca-12-39DDH   Sector Sur   6   12   6m @ 2.54 g/t Au

Results observed from an intercept of the Juica vein in drillhole Talca-12-31DDH illustrate the narrow but high grade potential of the veins in this zone although the gold is erratic since the lower part of hole 12-39DDH also intersected the Juica vein but with no significant results.

Drillholes Talca-12-29RC and Talca-12-30RC were also encouraging as both holes were drilled as exploration holes testing the potential of western extension in the Sector Sur sheared vein sets, in this case, the Delirio and Juica veins respectively. This area has not previously been subject to any historical mining. The intercepts of 11.55 g/t and 16.15 g/t gold respectively are over 500m along strike and to the west of the intersection between the vein sets and the Metalera Fault system. Additionally, they extend 50-75m west of the extent of underground workings in Sector Sur, thus the multiple gold vein system appears still to be open to the west. A further 750m of diamond drilling in 5 holes has been planned as a preliminary drill test of the potential of this western extension and with its completion this drilling will complete the second campaign before the end of April to bring total meters drilled to 10,500. At this point all drilling will cease, results will be evaluated and next steps determined.

Anillo - Chile

Anillo is strategically placed between Yamana’s El Peñon mine and its recent Pampa Augusta Victoria discovery. A total of 7,173m reverse circulation drilling by Orosur over two campaigns has not been as successful in delineating any substantial mineralization. However, further exploration work has been planned targeting the potential NNE strike extension of the El Peñon mineralized structure that appears, from ground magnetics and float sampling, to pass through the western part of the Anillo property. A programme of detailed mapping and trenching will be carried out to define further drill targets. This work is expected to commence in June 2012.

Qualified Person's Statement

The information presented in this press release has been reviewed by William F. Lindqvist, a director of OMI, and Mr. Randall Corbett, General Manager, San Gregorio, and is considered to be in compliance with NI 43-101 reporting guidelines. Dr. Lindqvist holds a Ph.D. in Applied Geology from Imperial College, London, has been a member of the AusIMM for 46 years, and has had 40 years of experience in international minerals exploration and property evaluation.. Mr. Corbett has a Bachelor of Engineering (Mining) Degree from Technical University of Nova Scotia (T.U.N.S.), is a Professional Engineer (P. Eng.) registered in the Province of Ontario and has more than 30 years operational, engineering and development experience.

Forward Looking Statements

All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained or incorporated by reference in this news release, including any information as to the future financial or operating performance of the Company, constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of certain securities laws, including the "safe harbour" provisions of the Securities Act (Ontario) and the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and are based on expectations estimates and projections as of the date of this news release. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, such statements are subject to significant risks and uncertainties, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation success of exploration activities; permitting time lines; the failure of plant; equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; accidents; labour disputes; requirements for additional capital title disputes or claims and limitations on insurance coverage. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law.

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

About Orosur Mining Inc.

Orosur Mining Inc. is a fully integrated gold producer and exploration company focused on identifying and developing gold projects in Latin America. The Company operates the only producing gold mine in Uruguay (San Gregorio), and has assembled an exploration portfolio of high quality assets in Uruguay and Chile. The Company is quoted in Canada (TSX-Venture Exchange: OMI) and London (AIM: OMI).

Orosur Mining Inc.

Condensed Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

(Thousands of United States Dollars, except where indicated)

As at
February 29,   May 31,
2012 2011
        (Restated Note 17)
$ $
Current assets
Cash 15,381 14,178
Amounts receivable (Note 5) 3,215 2,473
Inventories (Note 6) 16,030 17,363
Prepaid expenses 845 1,074
Debenture receivable (Note 5) 931 0
Short term investments 28   90
Total current assets 36,430 35,178
Property plant and equipment and mineral properties (Note 7) 55,978 29,836
Deferred exploration (Note 8) 32,490 23,888
Deferred income tax assets (Note 15) 5,918 5,148
Restricted cash 232   223
Total non-current assets 94,618 59,095
Total Assets 131,048   94,273
Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity
Current liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (Note 5) 17,939 12,362
Current portion of long term debt (Note 11) 2,098   14
Total current liabilities 20,037 12,376
Long term debt (Note 11) 4,278 0
Rehabilitation provisions (Note 9) 3,492   3,474
Total non-current liabilities 7,770 3,474
Total liabilities 27,807   15,850
Capital stock (Note 12) 55,048 42,692
Broker warrants 276 0
Contributed surplus 5,393 5,138
Retained earnings 42,524   30,593
Total shareholders’ equity 103,241   78,423
Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 131,048   94,273

Approved by the Board of Directors

“Mario Caron”       Director           “Julio Porteiro”       Director
Orosur Mining Inc.
Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Income and comprehensive income

(Thousands of United States Dollars, except for earnings per share and weighted average number of shares outstanding)

Three months ended Nine months ended
February 29 and 28 February 29 and 28
2012   2011


        Restated Note 17  


  Restated Note 17





Sales 26,013 21,618



Cost of sales (19,712)   (11,310)   (50,449)   (36,706)
6,301 10,308 17,575 19,709
Other income (expenses)
Derivative loss 0 0 0 (212)
Exploration expenses and exploration write off (Note 8) (849) (2,563) (1,571) (2,880)
General and administrative expense (1,206) (1,113) (3,683) (3,291)
Interest expense and rehabilitation accretion (71) (57) (161) (67)
Foreign exchange gain (loss) 124 (28) 262 123
Other income (expenses) (60)   1,633   682   2,039
(2,062) (2,128) (4,471) (4,288)
Income before taxes 4,239 8,180 13,104 15,421
Recovery (provision) for income taxes (Note 15) 715   (1,838)   (1,173)   (2,769)
Net and comprehensive income for the period 4,954   6,342  




Earnings per common share attributable to parent
Basic and diluted (Note 13)





Weighted average shares outstanding










Orosur Mining Inc.
Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

(Thousands of United States Dollars, except where indicated)



Three months ended
February 29 and 28,

Nine months ended
February 29 and 28,

  2012   2011   2012   2011






Operating activities

Net income for the period 4,954 6,342 11,931 12,652
Adjustments for:
Depreciation 2,128 2,016 6,118 5,631
Exploration write off 0 2,489 0 2,489
Accretion of rehabilitation provision 13 13 39 40
Deferred Income taxes (393) (668) (770) (402)
Stock based compensation 41 140 257 505
Gain on assets sales 0 (1,015) (562) (1,134)
Others 65   (75)   18   (154)
6,808 9,242 17,031 19,627
Net change in non-cash working capital balances (Note 10) 3,169   (981)   6,397   342
9,977   8,261   23,428   19,969
Financing activities
Proceeds from the issue of share capital 0 97 12,380 224
Loans received 556 0 5,636 0
Debt payment (15)   (5)   (42)   (14)
541   92   17,974   210
Investing activities
Purchase of property, plant and equipment and development costs (8,574) (5,085)


Loans granted 100 0 (900) 0
Assets sales 0 1,035 1,366 1,160
Exploration expenditure (3,717)   (2,911)   (12,548)   (7,028)
(12,191)   (6,961)   (40,199)   (13,539)

Increase (Decrease) in cash





Cash at the beginning of period 17,054   13,939   14,178   8,691
Cash at the end of period 15,381   15,331   15,381   15,331
Orosur Mining Inc.
Condensed Interim Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity

(Thousands of United States Dollars, except where indicated)

Three months ended Nine months ended
February 29 and 28, February 29 and 28,
2012   2011 2012   2011
        Restated Note 17       Restated Note 17





Common shares

Balance at beginning of period 55,048 42,552 42,692 42,344
Private placement net of share issuance costs (Note 12) 0 0 12,085 0
Finder’s fee for Talca acquisition (Note 12) 0 0 250 0
Exercise of stock options 0   122   21   330
Balance at end of period 55,048   42,674   55,048   42,674
Broker Warrants
Balance at beginning of period 276 0 0 0
Commission on private placement (Note 12) 0   0   276   0
Balance at end of period 276   0   276   0

Contributed surplus

Balance at beginning of period 5,352 4,916 5,138 4,632
Transfer to common shares 0 (26) (2) (106)
Employee stock based compensation recognized 41   141   257   505
Balance at end of period 5,393   5,031   5,393   5,031

Retained earnings

Balance at beginning of period 37,570 20,804 30,593 14,494
Net income for the period 4,954   6,342   11,931   12,652
Balance at end of period 42,524   27,146   42,524   27,146
Shareholders’ equity at end of period 103,241   74,851   103,241   74,851


For further information, please contact:
Orosur Mining Inc
David Fowler, CEO
Ignacio Salazar, CFO + 598 2 6016354
Canaccord Genuity Limited (Nominated Adviser & Broker)
+44 (0) 20 7050 6500
Rob Collins
Blythe Weigh Communications (Investor Relations)
Tim Blythe: +44 (0) 7816 924626
Susan Mckenzie: + 44 (0) 7919 050828
Robert Kellner: +44 (0) 7800 554377


For further information, please contact:
Orosur Mining Inc
David Fowler, CEO
Ignacio Salazar, CFO + 598 2 6016354
Canaccord Genuity Limited (Nominated Adviser & Broker)
+44 (0) 20 7050 6500
Rob Collins
Blythe Weigh Communications (Investor Relations)
Tim Blythe: +44 (0) 7816 924626
Susan Mckenzie: + 44 (0) 7919 050828
Robert Kellner: +44 (0) 7800 554377