PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regulatory News:
The Company’s 2011 Registration Document was filed with the French securities regulator, Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) on 6 April.
This document can be downloaded from the SFL website ( Paper copies can be obtained by writing to the Company at 40 rue Washington, 75008 Paris.
The Registration Document comprises:
- The 2011 financial report.
- The Chairman's report on corporate governance and internal control
- Details of the fees paid to the Auditors.
With an exceptional portfolio of properties valued at €3.2 billion including transfer costs, essentially located in the Paris Central Business District, SFL is a preferred vehicle for investors wishing to invest in the Paris office and retail property market. As the leading player in this market, the Group is firmly focused on pro-actively managing high-quality property assets. SFL has elected to be taxed as an SIIC since 2003.
Euronext Paris Compartment A –
Euronext Paris ISIN
– Bloomberg:
FLY FP – Reuters: FLYP PA