Discover Camouflaged Critters and More With NSTA’s Buzz Into Action: The Insect Curriculum Guide for Grades K-4

ARLINGTON, Va.--()--NSTA’s new Buzz Into Action: The Insect Curriculum Guide for Grades K–4 is a lively, cross-disciplinary resource to help teach students about the world’s most abundant and accessible group of animals. The book’s 20 hands-on lessons work individually or as a curriculum, in the field or in the classroom. The investigations involve scientific inquiry and knowledge building that treats science as a process, not forced memorization.

Activities range from the basic—how to identify an insect—to the irresistible—“Pollination Party Relay Race,” “Camouflaged Critters,” and “Colony Collapse Town Meeting.” For ease of use, each lesson plan provides

  • A quick-read overview of the activity’s requirements
  • Detailed objectives, materials lists, and background information
  • Step-by-step procedures and reproducible activity sheets
  • Assessments and extensions
  • Reference materials including field guides, websites, and story books that complement lessons and help teachers home in on species from their own region

Whether it’s used by a classroom teacher, camp leader, or homeschooler, Buzz Into Action will have young scientists buzzing—and humming, chirping, and clamoring for more.

About the Author

David Alexander is an experienced naturalist who uses the environment to educate diverse groups of students of all ages. He wrote the award-winning NSTA Press book Hop Into Action: The Amphibian Curriculum Guide for Grades K–4. He also facilitates a Bug Club with themed monthly meetings.

You can browse sample pages of this new book free at the NSTA Science Store website at

For additional information or to purchase Buzz into Action and other books from NSTA Press, visit the NSTA Science Store at To order by phone, call 800-277-5300 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET weekdays. Outside the United States and Canada, call 301-638-0200. The 168-page book is priced at $23.95 and discount-priced for NSTA members at $19.16. (Stock #PB319X, ISBN #978-1-936959-12-9)

The Arlington, Va.-based National Science Teachers Association is the largest professional organization in the world promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. NSTA's current membership includes more than 50,000 science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, business and industry representatives, and others involved in science education.

NSTA Press produces 20–25 new books each year. Focused on the preK–college market and specifically aimed at teachers of science, NSTA Press titles offer a unique blend of accurate scientific content and sound teaching strategies.


National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
Jennifer Gulley, 703-312-9285

Release Summary

Buzz Into Action is a lively insect-education curriculum for teaching about the world’s most abundant and accessible group of animals.


National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)
Jennifer Gulley, 703-312-9285