72 Percent of Floridians Support Red Light Safety Camera Laws

TAMPA, Fla.--()--In 2010, Florida joined the national movement of nearly 30 states by enacting the Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act, Florida’s red light safety camera program. Now, two years later, on the heels of proven, life saving success, Floridian support of the safety cameras laws is at 72%, reflecting unprecedented confidence in its road and community safety benefits. Conducted by the respected national research firm, FrederickPolls, this recent, statistically relevant survey* of Floridian voters is consistent with the polling conducted by the St. Petersburg Times in late 2011.

Perhaps most encouraging to road safety advocates: When asked specifically and even after hearing arguments critical of the safety cameras, 67% of Floridians still want to KEEP the red light safety laws in place. And, this broad, majority confidence crosses all regions, party, age, ethnicity, and philosophical subgroups of the Florida electorate.

“People from Jacksonville to Miami and all points in between, regardless of political party affiliation, know that red light safety cameras prevent injuries and deaths and make intersections safer,” said David Kelly, Executive Director of the National Coalition for Safer Roads. “And as these programs evolve, people are seeing real life-saving results.”

For example, several cities across Florida, from Apopka to North Miami and Miami Gardens, have seen more than a 60% drop in crashes after installing safety cameras. In Temple Terrace, Florida, they experienced a 67% drop in red light running accidents. In Orlando, during its inaugural year of the program, rear end collisions dropped 20%, and there were no fatalities.

Of course, Florida law enforcement has been a long time advocate of red light programs as instrumental elements in statewide transportation safety. Hillsborough County is yet another example of what has been occurring across Florida. Hillsborough County Sheriff, David Gee, saw red light running become an epidemic in the county, pointing to more than 800 crashes and three fatalities in just a two year period. Currently and in tandem with implementation of its red light safety camera program, Hillsborough County has experienced an overall reduction in crashes with injuries at 10 intersections where the cameras were placed.

“I think Floridian support of safety cameras is also bolstered by the recognition that safety cameras offer critical assistance to law enforcement in keeping the broader community even safer,” said Sheriff David Gee, Hillsborough County.

About the National Coalition for Safer Roads

NCSR was organized as an industry trade association with the express purpose of advocating on behalf of the traffic safety technology industry. NCSR is proud to advocate for the use of red light safety cameras in more than 600 communities across the country to change reckless driver behavior, stop red-light running and save lives. NCSR is supported by American Traffic Solutions, with coalition partners including the National Safety Council; Safe Kids USA; Child Safety Network; National Organizations for Youth Safety; America Walks; and Red Means Stop, as well as numerous police departments, medical professionals, safety advocates, industry leaders, community leaders and concerned citizens. View NCSR Partners. For more information, visit http://SafeRoadsSaveLives.org/, follow @SaferRoadsUSA on Twitter and on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/SaferRoadsUSA.

The Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act

The “Mark Wandall Traffic Safety Act” is established whereby the regulation and use of cameras for enforcing traffic control signal laws is expressly preempted to the state. The manner in which municipalities and counties may administer such a program is established and the amount of the fine to be imposed, $150, is provided. Disposition of fines is provided as follows: three-fifths to be retained by the county or municipality enforcing the ordinance; one-fifth as provided by s. 318.21, F.S.; and one-fifth to be deposited in the Department of Health Administrative Trust Fund.

About FrederickPolls

FrederickPolls is owned and operated by pollster Keith Frederick. Frederick has over 25 years experience measuring American public opinion. The firm's areas of expertise include: political campaigns, revenue ballot elections, growth politics, and telecommunications. Find more on FrederickPolls at: frederickpolls.com.


2012 Frederick Polls analysis of public opinion about Florida Red-light Cameras


For National Coalition for Safer Roads
The Leytham Group
Beth Leytham, 813-245-1522
Keith Frederick, 703-528-3031

Release Summary

72 percent of Floridians Support Red Light Safety Camera Laws


For National Coalition for Safer Roads
The Leytham Group
Beth Leytham, 813-245-1522
Keith Frederick, 703-528-3031