Endorse Liberty Broadcasts Half Hour Ron Paul TV Special in Florida

Deep Dive Into Modern History Shows How Paul is the Only Candidate Right on National Defense and Willing to Defend Americans in America

MIAMI--()--Endorse Liberty, a political action committee supporting Ron Paul for President, announced today that it has purchased multiple 30 minute prime time slots on Florida’s WHDT TV, the largest independent broadcaster in Florida and America’s first HD network, to air a special program in advance of the Florida Republican primary. The special features short films about the candidate, including “Blowback,” which outlines Ron Paul’s foreign and military policy for America.

“Blowback” sheds new light on the last 50 years of U.S. policy and explains why U.S. troops overwhelmingly support Paul’s campaign. For Endorse Liberty, known for its humorous depictions of Presidential candidates on YouTube, this television special marks an unprecedented TV buy as well as a stark departure from its comedic roots.

“The other candidates prefer to talk down to Americans in 15- and 30-second sound bites. Ron Paul’s message is too important to get lost in that kind of ridiculous shouting. ‘Blowback’ takes the time to carefully detail the truth of what Americans need to know about our country’s foreign policy,” said Stephen Oskoui of Endorse Liberty. “We like to have fun on our YouTube ‘Fake Politicians’ Channel’, but when American lives are at stake, we – like Ron Paul – are critically serious. After watching ‘Blowback’ viewers will be better informed, and personally moved to help strengthen America at the ballot box.”

For a TV audience tired of tuning in to the History Channel only to be confronted by shows about pawn shops and Big Foot, Endorse Liberty’s Ron Paul special explains clearly and concisely how U.S. policy since the 1950s has led to the current war on terror and how our current foreign policy makes Americans less safe.

Viewers will be shocked by much of the program’s content, learning the truth about:

  • “blowback” – unintended consequences of foreign policy
  • the unprecedented escalation of military spending in recent years, and
  • why U.S. military troops donate five times more to Ron Paul than to Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum combined.

“Ron Paul is known for his sound economic policies and his prediction of the banking crises, but few people know Paul is overwhelmingly supported by the troops who have volunteered to defend our great country, rather than the lobbyists who back the other candidates. While Newt Gingrich calls himself a historian, Ron Paul is the only candidate with actual history on his side,” continued Oskoui. “We believe that when presented with facts and not just sound bites, the intelligence and common sense of Florida’s voters will prevail. If you really listen to the troops – not the lobbyists and not the politicians – you’ll see that defending Americans in America, according to the Constitution, is really the strongest path forward for us all.”

Endorse Liberty’s TV special will begin airing on WHDT TV Friday, January 27, 2012 at 10:00 PM EST, with replays on Saturday, January 28 and Sunday, January 29 and Monday, January 30 at 9:00 PM EST. Check www.EndorseLiberty.com for additional airings. Viewers outside of Florida can watch the program for free at www.YouTube.com/EndorseLiberty

WHDT is the largest independent broadcaster in Florida, reaching more than 1 million subscriber households and 3.5 million viewers in St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade counties. WHDT Miami and WHDT West Palm Beach were the first stations in America to being broadcasting in HD. WHDT airs on Comcast 438 in HD and Comcast 17 in Standard definition; AT&T 1044 HD and 44 Standard.

About Endorse Liberty

Endorse Liberty, a super PAC supporting Ron Paul for President, is an alliance of entrepreneurs, inventors and creators who have come together to promote the cause of liberty as the founding principle that powers America.

Liberty is the foundation of American culture. We believe America can regain its place as the world's role model. We endorse and promote leaders who champion liberty.


Paid for by Endorse Liberty PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


Media Relations for Endorse Liberty PAC
Mike Iamele, 617-817-9723


Media Relations for Endorse Liberty PAC
Mike Iamele, 617-817-9723