NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Please replace the release with the following corrected version due to multiple revisions.
The corrected release reads:
- With Asia Pacific Region Exploding, MediaMath Accesses More than 20 Billion Daily Impressions Worldwide at over 350,000 queries per second
MediaMath, the leading digital media-buying platform and services company, today announced that the number of transactions it handles in the Asia Pacific region has increased to more than six billion impressions a day. This fast-growing region has expanded MediaMath’s footprint worldwide to more than 20 billion daily impressions. The company currently works with every major agency holding company and top international brands such as American Express, General Mills, Prudential, and Kayak.
MediaMath’s business received a boost with the recent opening of its data center in Hong Kong. The company processes impressions at more than 350 queries per second. MediaMath now operates a total of six data centers worldwide in North Bergen, N.J.; Chicago; Palo Alto, Calif.; Zurich; Paris; and Hong Kong.
“MediaMath offers advertisers more reach than any other intelligent machine buying platform worldwide,” said MediaMath chief executive officer Joe Zawadzki. “MediaMath is extremely well positioned to capitalize on the exploding need for digital advertising optimization in the markets throughout the Asia Pacific region.”
The Asia Pacific (APAC) region is a leading center of activity for digital communications and advertising, and MediaMath services all the consumer touch points across the digital channel, including mobile, social, display, and video.
In September, MediaMath announced it would be partnering with Tokyo-based CyberAgent, Inc., offering their TerminalOne online media buying platform to their clients. With TerminalOne, Asia-based businesses can optimize the effectiveness and cost of their digital branding and direct response campaigns across multiple channels both domestically and in overseas markets.
About MediaMath
Headquartered in New York, MediaMath was founded in 2007 and has become an industry leader. The company serves billions of highly targeted ads per month on behalf of dozens of top-tier agencies, including all of the major agency holding companies. Major brands include American Express, General Mills, Prudential, and Kayak. Revenue has grown 300 percent every year since inception.
The MediaMath buying platform, TerminalOne, provides advertising agencies and brands with the technology and back office services to trade effectively across all leading digital advertising channels. It includes a common interface and workflow, a data management layer that integrates marketer and third-party data, sophisticated algorithms and bid optimization, and deep relationships with over a dozen major sources of quality supply, including Yahoo! RightMedia, Google’s DoubleClick Advertising Exchange, Microsoft, Facebook, and others.
In head-to-head tests conducted by MediaMath, the company won 19 out of 20 comparisons. See for details. MediaMath is a global company with additional offices in London, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. For more information visit