Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien: Press Activities During the Nobel week 2011 at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

BOX, Sweden--()--NB! Further information and registration to all press activities is available at http://kva.se/en/pressroom (http://kva.se/en/pressroom) Last day for registration to all press activities: SUNDAY 4 DECEMBER 2011 The press activities are only for the media. Please bring your press ID (or similar) and a photo ID.


Time: Wednesday 7 December, at 9:00–10:00. Please be seated in time! Venue: The Beijer hall, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Lilla Frescativägen 4A, Stockholm, Sweden.

The press conference will be broadcasted live as web-TV at http://kva.se, and will later be available on demand at http://kvatv.se

INTERVIEWS 8 DECEMBER (in connection to the Nobel Lectures 2011)

Venue: Room Kungsstenen (floor 7), Aula Magna, Stockholm University

Times for interviews (5–10 min. per interview):

Physics Laureates 2011 (Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess)
Time: 11:00–11:30

Chemistry Laureates 2011 (Dan Shechtman)
Time: 12:15–12:45

Economic Sciences Laureates 2011 (Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims)
Time: 14:20–14:50


• A copyright agreement with the Nobel Media is needed to film and broadcast the Nobel Lectures 2011. It may be obtained via e-mail from the Press officer at the Academy, Erik Huss, or from Nobel Media, allegra.grevelius@nobel.se. The completed and signed agreement must then be sent to Nobel Media. The address is written in the agreement.

• Permission to film is applied for via e-mail to Erik Huss, on 4 December at the latest. The Nobel Lectures will be broadcasted live as web-TV at http://kva.se and http://nobelprize.org, and will within a week be available on demand at http://kvatv.se

Welcome to the Nobel week of 2011!

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, founded in 1739, is an independent organization whose overall objective is to promote the sciences and strengthen their influence in society. The Academy takes special responsibility for the natural sciences and mathematics, but endeavours to promote the exchange of ideas between various disciplines.

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Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences:
Erik Huss, Press officer
+46-8-673 95 44
+46-70-673 96 50


Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences:
Erik Huss, Press officer
+46-8-673 95 44
+46-70-673 96 50