Nine Connections Launches Beta to Deliver Relevant, Insightful News

Service Overcomes Current Social Networking Limitations to News Distribution

AMSTERDAM--()--Nine connections, an innovative news network that delivers targeted content through an intelligent web-based newsfeed application, today announced the official launch of its beta. Nine connections bypasses typical social media limitations to bring users relevant articles faster and with minimal effort.

In the United States, 76% of all internet-connected adults use the web to get news1 and 75% of them get their news through some form of social networking2 – and these numbers are only trending up. As social networks become the preferred method of news consumption, it becomes harder and harder to sift through the piles of links to get pertinent, timely information on interesting subject matter.

Welcome nine connections.

Nine connections styles itself a “viral news network,” leveraging social media connections to provide deeper, more novel news. Users organize up to nine contacts into subject grids and a proprietary recommendation algorithm does the rest, building a customizable, easy-to-read, interest-based newsfeed. The information pathways created are dynamic, learning over time what types of stories interest the user. This results in personalized breaking news from outside a user’s social bubble that they may then pass on as they wish. Nine connections makes it easy to access and share quality news with little time and effort.

“We want to change the way people access and interact with news,” said Lucien Burm, who along with Christian Vogel co-founded nine connections. “Social media used to be the ubiquitous driving force for news dissemination. People have been trying to find a way to handle the massive amount of content they are exposed to daily. Should I read this? Is this any good? Nobody wants to waste their time, but nobody wants to be left behind either. Since we wanted to utilize an intelligent, truly effective filtration system, we built one with nine connections.”

With just nine connections, customized breaking news from anywhere within a network can be viewed instantly without social delay.

Originally working under the title FdForward, nine connections began alpha testing in the Netherlands and the United States in the second quarter of 2011. It is currently in its beta testing phase before a projected Q1 2012 full rollout.

About nine connections

Nine connections is a news filter application that brings users relevant news faster through a unique proprietary recommendation engine. Nine connections is designed to transcend current social networking news limitations to deliver deeper, smarter news to users faster. Created by Kimengi in 2011 and headquartered in Amsterdam, nine connections bridges social news bubbles to deliver insightful, topical news to users ranging from casual readers to news geeks as well as to professional bloggers and reporters looking for the next hot story. Nine connections was conceived by co-founders Lucien Burm and Christian Vogel in 2009 and is privately funded.

For more information, breaking service updates, or to request access, please visit and follow @nineconnections on your Twitter feed.


Barbara I Wichmann, +415-351-2227


Barbara I Wichmann, +415-351-2227