SCRA Welcomes New Tenants, Expansion of Intrexon

Innovation Center Enables Technology Development for Knowledge Economy

CHARLESTON, S.C.--()--SCRA today announced several new tenant companies that are now leasing space at the SCRA MUSC Innovation Center. These companies are executing innovative work in South Carolina. Current tenant Intrexon, formerly Immunologix, has expanded from one to four laboratory suites bringing the Innovation Center laboratory space to full capacity. The SCRA USC Innovation Center in Columbia also welcomed several new tenants in October.

New tenant companies or expansions at the Charleston facility include:

  • Intrexon, a synthetic biology company which recently acquired Immunologix. The company will install several robots in coming weeks to increase production for their Protein Production Division.
  • MitoHealth, a technology company that provides screening services to pharmaceutical, chemical and federal clients to identify toxicants or potential drug leads that affect mitochondrial health.
  • SolBright RE, a solar panel and renewable energy company.

The SCRA USC Innovation Center, based in Columbia, also brings leading edge technology research to realization. New tenant companies are utilizing Innovation Center resources to move research to commercialization in Columbia, and include:

  • NextGenEn, a company led by researchers at USC that is testing composite materials in dynamic conditions. Current research involves the effects of lightning strikes on various composites.
  • MicroVide, a technology company based on intellectual property from MUSC that is working to advance microdialysis and proteolytic pathways discoveries.
  • Nitek, a manufacturer of UV LED lights that is using “clean room” technology for production and hopes to expand in coming months.

“The Innovation Centers are focused on more than just space,” said SCRA CEO Bill Mahoney. “These facilities are truly supporting the commercialization and market entry of impressive technologies that are strengthening South Carolina’s Knowledge Economy.”

About SCRA

SCRA is an applied research company with over 28 years of experience in delivering technology solutions with high returns on investment to federal and corporate clients. Our Applied R&D affiliate manages over 100 national and international programs worth over $1.5B in contract value, and our technology-based economic development affiliate helps early-stage companies to commercialize innovations and create jobs. In support of our mission, SCRA builds and manages research facilities that include wet labs, secure rooms for sensitive work and advanced high-tech manufacturing shops.


Micki Howard, 843-760-3329
843-697-9226 mobile

Release Summary

SCRA Innovation Centers Add New Tenants, Announce Expansions. Innovation Center in Charleston, SC laboratory space has reached full capacity.


Micki Howard, 843-760-3329
843-697-9226 mobile