China Committee of International 3D Society Founded

Industry Organization to Promote Stereoscopic 3D Content through Education, Awareness-Raising, and Recognition

BEIJING--()--The China Committee of the International 3D Society, chaired by Mr. Wenhua Ding, CTO of China Central Television (CCTV), held its inaugural meeting and formally began its activities on October 27th, 2011. I3DS is an industry organization established for the purpose of contributing to the steady growth of stereoscopic 3D technologies and content creation through education, awareness-raising, and recognition activities. The China Committee has been established to work directly with the US World Headquarters in Los Angeles, as well as other international committees, including Asia and Europe. The I3DS China Committee aims to improve the art and technology of China’s 3D content creation, and to support the development of 3D industry specialists through cooperation with related companies and organizations in China.

Jim Chabin, President & CEO of I3DS, said, “We are very happy to see the founding of the I3DS China Committee. We look forward to the realization of a localized 3D education curriculum, based on the experience of the Society’s 3D University program, and awards event for China. We are proud of this effort to see collaboration around the world.”

Asia Committee Chair Masayuki Kozuka, from Panasonic Corporation, added, “There has been a rapid increase in interest of 3D productions in Asia as well. China will play an important role in the development of the 3D industry.”

I3DS China Chair Mr. Wenhua Ding commented, “3D is currently the most important technology in the movie and TV fields. The founding of the I3DS China Committee is very important for the 3D industry in China. We aim to facilitate the exchange between China and other nations, as well as contribute to the development of the 3D industry, in order to provide attractive 3D content for Chinese consumers.”

In the technical seminar right after the inaugural meeting, Mr. Jim Chabin, President & CEO of I3DS, made a presentation about the activities of I3DS and 3D markets. Mr. Robert Neuman, 3D Supervisor at Walt Disney Studios, who led the 3D productions of “Bolt,” “Tangled,” and “The Lion King,” gave a presentation on how to produce attractive 3D content.

The I3DS China Committee will also work closely with the Japan Committee. In recent years, environments where 3D content can be enjoyed have continued to expand around the world, including: movies, TV programs, photos and games. Given this proliferation, the expansion of quality 3D content and its continued improvements are important issues for the continued success and advancement of the 3D industry.

To solve these issues in China, the I3DS China Committee founded by CSMPTE (China Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineering) and I3DS will promote activities such as developing specialists in 3D content production, distributing information on proper 3D viewing, and presenting awards for outstanding 3D productions. The committee plans on gathering members from industry and educational organizations involved in 3D content creation: production studios, broadcasters and manufacturers of content production devices in China. It also intends to promote these activities in cooperation with the US-based I3DS World Headquarters organization and other regional I3DS committees that are launching activities in Asia and Europe.

The I3DS China Committee


Wenhua Ding, Chair (CTO, CCTV), CCTV, China Film Group, SMG, China Film Research Institute, CFG Digital Production, CFG Animation, Beijing TV, Jiangsu TV, GuangXi TV, Beijing Film Academy, China Communication University, Academy of Broadcast Science, Academy of Broadcast Planning, Panasonic, Sony, Soybey, Dayang, Founder, Shihua, Image Committee, Digital Cinema Committee, Autodesk

About the International 3D Society (I3DS)

The International 3D Society is a community of professionals dedicated to the advancement of the art and sciences of stereoscopic 3D technologies and content through education, hands on demonstration and celebration. I3DS has a membership of over 600 individuals, companies and organizations involved in the art and technology of producing 3D content and is actively engaged in various activities including education through the 3D University™ courses and the operation of the Lumiere™ Award program for 3D content and technology. The I3DS currently consists of US (World Headquarters), Europe and Asia Committees. The China, Korea, and Japan Committees of I3DS belong to the society's Asia Committee. I3DS is expected to contribute to the steady development of 3D content markets worldwide. For more information please visit


For press inquiries:
I3DS China Committee Secretary Office
Tel: (+86) 10-010-63959030
For I3DS World Headquarters inquiries:
Nick Urbom, Tel: (+01) 310-880-2415


For press inquiries:
I3DS China Committee Secretary Office
Tel: (+86) 10-010-63959030
For I3DS World Headquarters inquiries:
Nick Urbom, Tel: (+01) 310-880-2415