FuturaGene and Guangxi Academy of Sciences to Develop Sustainable Biofuel Processes for Yield Enhanced Eucalyptus

LONDON & SHANGHAI--()--FuturaGene, a world leader in the enhancement of yield and sustainability of woody crops for plantation forestry, biopower and biofuel markets, has entered into a collaborative development agreement with the Guangxi Academy of Sciences (GXAS). GXAS is the premier Chinese government research entity in Guangxi Province and is focused mainly on bioenergy research and development of non-food crops.

FuturaGene and GXAS will work together on the development and optimization of second generation biofuel production from woody species, especially eucalyptus.

FuturaGene will supply raw material (feedstock) from eucalyptus species which have been selected for optimal growth in the Guangxi region. These species will undergo classic breeding and genetic enhancement to improve yield and stress tolerance.

GXAS will develop analysis methodologies for the early selection of tree species suited for biofuel production and optimized industrial processes for the transformation of the wood-based raw material into biofuels.

Guangxi Province has the largest planted area of eucalyptus in China (circa 1 million hectares). It is defined by the Chinese government as the pilot province for bioenergy research and development, with an emphasis on alternative and second-generation feedstocks and biofuel production processes, including molasses ethanol, cassava ethanol, lignocellulosic (cellulose-to-ethanol) ethanol, bio-diesel, bio-butanol and bio-gas. This program is led by GXAS.

FuturaGene and GXAS will have the option to commercialize jointly the outcome from the matching of tree species and development of industrial process.

Stanley Hirsch, Chief Executive of FuturaGene, commented:

“This is our fourth major agreement in China with key institutions and corporates. It is a further demonstration of our leading involvement in the development of sustainable industrial processes to support the use of woody crops in carbon neutral energy provision.

“GXAS, situated in an important forestry province, is a key institute, in the development of sustainable, non-food crop based biofuel processes in China. GXAS recognizes that the enhancement technologies we have developed provide a breakthrough technology for cellulose-to-ethanol conversion.

“Together we aim to develop extensive wood-based raw material with advanced industrial process which can be used to reduce costs materially in the production of bioenergy.”

About FuturaGene - www.futuragene.com

FuturaGene, with facilities in Brazil, China and Israel, is a leader in plant genetic research and development for the global forestry, biopower and biofuel markets. FuturaGene develops sustainable, ecologically sound technology to meet the ever increasing demands for fiber, fuel and energy crops in the face of declining land and water resources.

FuturaGene aims to be the leading crop technology company for plantation forestry, biopower and second generation biofuel through two main technology platforms: yield and processability enhancement - driving gains in yield during crop growth and greater processability of crop, post-harvest; and yield protection to protect strategic crops from emerging threats caused by changing climate and diminishing resources and to enable marginal land usage.

FuturaGene’s key crops are eucalyptus and poplar and its most advanced technologies are for yield improvement in sustainable industrial forestry.

FuturaGene is developing broad applications of its technologies in its key crops as well as in additional crops such as alfalfa and cotton.

After developing as an independent company since its inception in 1993, FuturaGene was acquired, in July 2010 by Suzano Pulp and Paper, a Brazilian company. As a wholly owned subsidiary of Suzano, FuturaGene will continue its worldwide biotech activities with enhanced resources driving its mission to be a world leader in sustainable plant genetic research and development.

About Guangxi Academy of Science - www.gxas.cn

Guangxi Academy of Sciences (GXAS) is a provincial governmental research academy governing seven research institutes - Guangxi Institute of Botany (co-managed by China Academy of Sciences), Guangxi Marine Research Institute, Guangxi Research Institute of Mango, Guangxi Biology Institute, Guangxi Research Institute of Applied Physics, Guangxi Supervision & Inspection Center of Gas & Fuel for Civil Use, Guangxi Computing Center. Formed in 1980, GXAS has over 100ha of buildings & facilities and 763 staff members of which 76.6% are scientific staff.

GXAS has built up several key labs – Provincial-Level Key Lab of Plant Functional Material Research and Utilization(植物功能物质研究和利用重点实验室); Provincial-Level Key Lab of New Technologies for Biological Industries (生物产业新技术重点实验室). Another National-level Key Lab of Non-food Biomass Hydrolysis (非粮生物质酶解国家重点实验室) and a Provincial-level Key lab of Plant Nursing & Molecular Lab(植物保育与分子生物学重点实验室)which are all housed in one building.

Located in the capital city of Guangxi province with abundant resources of non-food biomass such as sugarcane and cassava, GXAS has strong background in biofuel research and is a leading research institute on enzymatic hydrolysis.


Stanley Hirsch, CEO
+972 8 931 9550
Nissim Chen, VP Business Development
+972 8 931 9550
Sara El Kadri, Communications Consultant
+55 11 3503 9536
James Zhang, VP China
+86 21 64281717
College Hill
Adrian Duffield/Carolyn Dealey/Daniel Gooch
+ 44 20 7457202


Stanley Hirsch, CEO
+972 8 931 9550
Nissim Chen, VP Business Development
+972 8 931 9550
Sara El Kadri, Communications Consultant
+55 11 3503 9536
James Zhang, VP China
+86 21 64281717
College Hill
Adrian Duffield/Carolyn Dealey/Daniel Gooch
+ 44 20 7457202